The Tillamook County Women’s Resource Center (WRC) will hold the 13th Annual Tillamook Soup Bowl event beginning at 5pm on Saturday, May 18, 2019 at the Pacific Restaurant in Tillamook. Join us for this event featuring 150 unique soup bowls created especially for this event by Northwest potters along with an extensive variety of soups, artisan bread and desserts donated by local area individuals and restaurants.
The first 150 people to purchase $50 dinner tickets will receive a bowl of their choice to use and keep as a memento of this community collaboration. Bowl tickets are available in advance via USPS mail, at the office and at the event. Tickets for the all-you-can-eat dinner without a bowl are $25 and ONLY available for purchase in person at the TCWRC office in Tillamook or at the event; limited numbers of dinner only tickets are available. Contact the Women’s Resource Center office in Tillamook at (503) 842-9486 for ticket purchase information.
After selecting a one-of-a-kind bowl, participants can tempt their taste buds by choosing from an array of soups and desserts. As in past years, the evening will be casual and fun featuring live musical entertainment by Jazzatti-tude. Proceeds from the Soup Bowl support the many community programs and services offered by the TCWRC including: advocacy, education, outreach, emergency and support services, and shelter. As an added exclusive, this year we will be unveiling our new organizational name at the event!!!
The Tillamook County Women’s Resource Center is a non-profit organization made up of committed individuals from all walks of life, both paid staff and volunteers. We are all working together to eliminate domestic and sexual violence in our community. For more information on the services offered through the Resource Center call our main office at (503) 842-9486.