If you have sheep, you probably have wooly sheep, unless you are one of the fortunate people in Tillamook that has found someone to shear them.
Domestic sheep should be shorn at least once per year. It allows them to be cooler over the summer and reduces their risk of complications from insect pests and disease. 4-H & FFA project lambs will benefit from being shorn by gaining weight more quickly and the preparation for showing them is easier.
If you have sheep that need to be shorn, there will be a shearing day on Saturday, May 20th, from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Tillamook County Fairgrounds 4-H & FFA Livestock Barn. Sheep that are to be shorn should be kept dry for at least 48 hours prior to shearing. Sheep should not have feed or water for 24 hours before the shearing. The animals will be less uncomfortable during shearing. Pre-registration is required. Contact the OSU Extension Service Tillamook County Office, 503-842-3433, for the fee schedule, to make a reservation, and for additional information.
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If you have a disability that requires special considerations in order for you to attend this event, contact the OSU Extension Service in Tillamook at 503.842.3433.