Hear about the newest exhibits, archive project, and presentation on Nehalem watershed logging by historian Mark Beach.
Established in 1987, the Nehalem Valley Historical Society is a local organization that packs a global punch. With exhibits on native peoples, homesteaders, town development and industry, it has captured the attention of people and publications from around the world on its two newest exhibits: trade routes of 17th-century Spanish galleons (and shipwrecks), and the “stopover” by Sir Francis Drake as he and his crew explored the Pacific Coast on behalf of Great Britain.
The annual member meeting will share information about these exhibits as well as the archival project now underway. It is intended to preserve Nehalem Valley history by digitizing archive materials for online access by historians, teachers, students and history buffs for generations to come.
Board president Thomas Campbell will lead the meeting, with input from board members on budgets, cemetery preservation, communications, upcoming events, and community liaison news. Board members include Tom Mock, Dave Bell, Eileen Nordquist, Rob Borgford, Steven Gibson and Nan Devlin.
The meeting will feature a presentation by Mark Beach about logging in the Nehalem watershed. Mark will use historical photos showing ways loggers used to fell trees and move logs to mills along the rivers. He is presenting many of the photos for the first time before they appear in his forthcoming book Logging the Oregon Coast.
Save the date: Monday, October 20, 2022
Time: 4:30 to 6pm
Place: Pine Grove Community House, 225 Laneda Ave, Manzanita