By Madame Dana Zia
The full lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13th at 11:55 pm PST is the opening of the portal. This is the portal that we are entering that is going to transform us, personally and collectively.
First off some astronomy for you — This is a “Blood Moon” full lunar eclipse that will be visible to all of North and South America. The eclipsed Moon will be a coppery “blood” color due to the Earth’s atmosphere. The last blood Moon eclipse occurred in November of 2022.
The Earth’s shadow will start to move across the Full Moon at 10:00pm PT. At about 11:30 the Moon will be totally eclipsed by the Earth’s shadow. If you are going to set an alarm, that is the time to set it. The Eclipse is over by 2am when the last vestiges of Earth’s shadow leave the Moon’s face.
If the weather predictions are correct, it looks like we are in for rainy weather but perhaps the clouds will part for this amazing light show between the Earth and the Moon.
Now back to our regularly scheduled astrology……
As you might remember me writing about earlier this year, 2025 is a year of change in our solar system.
All of the inner planets, Mercury, Mars and Venus, are going through retrogrades (more unusual for Mars and Venus) which can make it feel like we can’t get off the couch.
Mercury will be going retrograde the day after the eclipse so the effects of it are magnified. So be very kind to yourself and proceed with consideration. Back up your computers and be careful with your communications.
Now, the big news is that all the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, are changing signs this year. (Pluto changed signs in November.)
This is VERY remarkable! The last time the three outer planets (Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus) changed signs in the same year, it was in 1737 when many new ideas catapulted history towards the Industrial Revolution.
What this means is that 2025 is going to bring us many changes both collectively and individually.
As above, so below.
This lunar eclipse in Virgo is a gateway that opens up the energy of 2025 to give us a taste of what is to come.
For you personally, it is a meaningful time to look into how much power you have given the “inner critic.” Saturn is conjunct the Sun in Pisces across from the Moon and will be shining the light on “the judge” who will not enjoy being seen. Re-size this voice by recognizing it and work on positive re-framing.
Virgo’s are known for their mental prowess and also their attention to details which can cause anxiety. But, they are the sign of the Earth Goddess herself and are most at peace when they get outdoors and let the mental chatter fall away and be replaced by the beauty.
Make that a priority! Get outside, without things in/on your ears, and walk while listening to the sounds of nature. Feel your feet on the ground and give thanks for all you have.
After all, Virgo is the sign of abundance and a gratitude practice will be magnified 10 times during this eclipse. Particularly with all the planets in Pisces across from the Moon, you will be feeling the feels!
Let it flow, love yourself like never before and get outside and love on the Earth.
⭐️Would you like to know more about what the stars say about your journey? I love to do readings and to tell your star story!
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