By Madame Dana Zia
The first of February brings us to the cross quarter holiday of Imbolc, an ancient holiday that Candlemas and ultimately Ground Hog’s day branched off from. It is the half way point between Winter’s Solstice and Spring Equinox when the first signs of the Earth’s re-birth into spring begin to show. The brave heralds of this, crocus, primrose and snowdrops, push up into the harsh weather to bring us courage that the winter is losing its grip.
Imbolc AKA Brigid’s day, is a very Celtic holiday that has been celebrated for a zillion years on February 1st or 2nd. It marks the beginning of the lambing season and the quickening of the Earth to give birth to spring. The name comes from the original word “Imbolg” which means “in the belly” or pregnant and just beginning to show. Imbolc is dedicated to the Goddess Brigid who is the Goddess of the forge, fire, poetry and healing. She creates the spark of life from her forge that brings forth hope and new beginnings.
This year’s Imbolc is special in the fact that we are still in the “Blue Blood” full moon’s window. With this beautiful event happening on Imbolc, we are invited to let go of the past and look to a fertile future. Time to clear out the old and make space for new beginnings that have to do with innovative self-love and community care. Act locally and think globally.
Perhaps get some spring cleaning in and tackle those taxes to begin anew. Dream up a fresh way to approach and forgive an old nemesis. Build an alter to the return of the light and new exciting possibilities. What are your awakenings that beginning to stir in your belly?