By Madame Dana Zia
Ahhhh finally…. Mercury and Venus are both in the youthful bounding sign of Aries as of the 7th and the Pisces group hug is breaking up. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a great lover of group hugs and Pisces but with Mercury, Venus and Chiron in the later degrees of Pisces with Mars squaring off and shooting fire tipped arrows at them was the perfect storm for owies, both emotionally and physically. There is still an edge in the air with the Moon joining Mars in Sagittarius and they both square Chiron that is moving along at his limping, clomping pace. So move carefully, especially if you have a Chiron complex in your chart.
As we round the corner on the last vestiges of the weary winter, the promise of spring is now stronger with the energy building towards Aries and Spring Equinox on the 20th of this month. Lick your wounds, wrap up old hurts and get ready to move forward. Now is the time to dust off your walking shoes and spring dreams and start to organize action in your life. Mars moves into Capricorn on the 18th and his organizational skills will help us all to move those mountains we need to. The questions is: What do you want to do with this youthful energy bounding down the daffodil-lined lane towards us? This bright new energy has a way of getting us to spin our wheels in the thawing mud, so organize your actions first, then act with care and strategy to make the most of the Aries energy entering stage center!