By Madame Dana Zia
The New Moon in Aquarius arrives crackling with possibility on January 29th in the early hours of the morning. This is a year of deep and profound transformation and this first New Moon in it, is the harbinger.
There is abundant Aquarius juice in this Moon to stimulate us all to take the higher road and we have to do it, opposed to be frozen in fear.
Let’s start with unpacking Aquarius. It is such an interesting sign that merits exploring.
For one, it is an air sign, not a water sign, which is a common misunderstanding since the constellation is the “water bearer” and depicted with an urn of water being poured out. Aquarius also has 2 wavy lines depicted in its glyph which most people take as water waves but it’s actually brain or electrical waves.
This cerebral sign is well known for having brilliant, inventive intelligence, independent thinking, humanitarian, and progressive. Aquarius, above all else, are community members that desire a higher octave for all humanity.
That said, sometimes they need to get out of their own way to achieve that. The higher road usually requires us to compromise and work hand in hand with others. One of Aquarius’ challenges is they want to do it on their own.
Sometimes they can forget there is no “I” in team.
But let’s not lose our focus! Aquarius’ super power is to envision a new reality and then come up with brilliant ideas on how to manifest it.
We need that more than ever right now!
This New Moon is near Pluto, the planet of power and hidden things, that has just set up residency in Aquarius so is industriously cleaning house by revealing the unkept corners and closets. Mercury (the planet of thought and communication) is exactly conjunct Pluto as well so this aspect can give us an extra dose of anxiety from thinking about all those shadowy elements.
The intent of this energy is for us all to see what has been hidden and needs transformation. Let’s do some housekeeping of our old mind patterns and move forward into new thoughts.
Fortunately Jupiter is trine (a favorable aspect) this New Moon so we will be stimulated to expand and grow from the energy opposed to implode or hide.
Also, trickster Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, is going direct (after a long retrograde) the day after the New Moon. This energy is like opening the windows and the doors and letting fresh air and ideas chase out the darkness. It can also plant new revolutionary ideas to bring in more change.
To distill this down into bite sized pieces, this New Moon can bring feelings of oppressiveness and hopeless from the growing shadow to the East. Don’t fall for it!
Focus on weeding the thoughts in your mind with meditation and thought control. You get to pick what you want to think. Nobody or no one can take that away from you.
Fortify yourself with community and working together to bring a higher octave to it. Volunteer or do things that help those around you to have a better day.
At the very least, be kind. Give out smiles, they’re cheap!
This New Moon will give you ideas on how you can make a difference in your community and that will ripple out into the larger waters. Act locally, think globally.
We are all in this together.
Would you like to know more about what the stars say about your journey? I love to do readings and to tell your star story!
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