By Madame Dana Zia
“Someone I loved gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too was a gift.” Mary Oliver
Today (10/27/19) is the New Moon in Scorpio at 8:38pm PST. Are you feeling it? I sure am! That is because this New Moon is being magnified by Uranus, the planet of “let’s shake things up” at the EXACT degree of 4 degrees Scorpio. (BTW for astro nerds, in the Sabian Symbols, that is “A massive rocky shore.”) And if that isn’t enough to get our attention we also have Venus and Mercury in Scorpio adding to the conversation.
So what is this conversation? It is all about Scorpio! Scorpio is no light business, this is intensity incarnate. It is a great source of passion and life force. Scorpio does evolve through death and rebirth and regeneration. It is the massive rocky shore that we can get demolished on or find salvation on.
Scorpio teaches us how to shed our old worn out skins and peel away the dead useless layers to uncover our gleaming and glistening core. Sometimes this process is very uncomfortable and since uncomfortable is seen as “bad” in our culture, we pull away and try to cover up the feelings. Some of the ways our culture employs buffering of these emotions is through addictions, over thinking, over stimulation and spending way too much time online. (Scorpio energy can be obsessive when left to run amuck.)
But this Scorpio season is about really looking at those uncomfortable feelings and fears and letting them air their laundry. We can do hard things, folks, we really can. In fact, when we do listen to these “negative” feelings and realize they guide us towards our evolutionary path, we are liberated! Scorpio energy is courageous and patient but not tolerant. This is warrior energy in a different way. It gives us courage to go deep into the underworld to clear out what is holding us back from really living. It’s Harry Potter folks!
A fellow Shamanic Astrologer Tami Brunk put it brilliantly; “The key is for us to move into Heart Center and drop in with self-compassion, curiosity, and trust, asking of our feelings what gift they have for us, bringing presence to them, and dignifying them with our listening and gratitude for the gifts they present.”
With Uranus opposing the Scorpio energy, we have an ally that has our back and whispers in our ear, “You got this! You can change things so that you grow and flourish opposed to dry up and wither away!” Uranus offers up the very useful emotion of excitement to entice forward towards self-discovery and change. This is a huge offering from the Universe to let go of the shackles of fear and loathing to become emancipated from them.
Some of my suggestions to take advantage of this powerful offering is to start self-discovery with finding a teacher that resonates with you. Some of the teachers I am enjoying that embrace this process are Martha Beck, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Brooke Castillo and Brene Brown. Their work is easily accessible online and in books. I have also found that EFT AKA tapping is extremely valuable as it helps to release old patterns easily and mercifully. That work is also super easy to access online.
Be curious about facing your demons, they are YOUR demons. What if you choose to do something scary and powerful and talk to them? What if you find out they are allies that will give you wings and hugs? What if? This is the time to do this.