LINCOLN CITY, Ore. – Audubon Society of Lincoln City (ASLC) will lead bird walks on Friday and Saturday, April 7 and 8.
Friday, April 7, 9–11 a.m.
The Villages Open Space and Road’s End State Park
The Villages walk provides diverse habitat for an interesting array of birds. April is great time to see the last of the wintering songbirds and enjoy early arrivals such as warblers. We’ll walk downhill past the Sal La Sea wetlands to the parking lot at Roads End State Park to look for nearshore birds.
Location: Meet on NE Devils Lake Blvd. past the golf course (watch for our ASLC sign). Sponsored by Lincoln City Parks & Recreation and Explore Lincoln City
Saturday, April 8, 10 a.m.–noon
Nestucca National Wildlife Refuge, Two Rivers Loop
The two-mile Two Rivers Nature Trail boasts a sweeping viewpoint of the confluence of the Nestucca and Little Nestucca Rivers. The walk is moderate with elevation changes and uneven terrain. Early April offers a unique opportunity to view early migrants along with lingering winter birds and waterfowl.
Location: Meet at the lower parking lot off Christensen Rd. Please note later start time!

Audubon Society of Lincoln City ( was founded as a chapter of the National Audubon Society in 2005. A nonprofit membership organization, ASLC is active in education and advocacy for protection of birds, other wildlife, and their habitats in Lincoln and Tillamook Counties.