Editor’s Note: The Pioneer Memorial Day services information labeled the Rockaway Beach State Wayside as “Ocean Edge” as that is how the Rockaway Beach Chamber refers to the Wayside. In the past,…
Author: Editor
Gales Creek Strawberry Festival June 9th
Gales Creek – The 52nd Annual Gales Creek Strawberry Festival will be held June 9 from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Gales Creek Church of God and the Gales Creek…
Spring, Oh beautiful Spring What lovely sights you always bring Trees are bursting with their luscious green dress Camelias, Rhodies, and Skunk Cabbage, no less. Oh Spring, beautiful Spring, there’s only one…
Tillamook County Pioneer Association Meeting June 3rd at Swiss Hall
Tillamook County Pioneer Association Meeting and Potluck Sunday, June 3, 2018 Swiss Hall, 4605 Brookfield Ave, Tillamook Gather at Noon, Eat at 1:00 p.m. We will announce the Pioneer of the Year,…
Celebrate World Oceans Day with Hike to Summit of Neah-Kah-Nie Mountain June 8th
“With every drop of water you drink, every breath you take, you’re connected to the sea” – Sylvia Earle Experience the connection between land and sea during the upcoming World Oceans Day…
Bear Sighting in Nehalem Bay State Park May 28th
From Ben Cox, Nehalem Bay State Park manager: A courtesy notice of a confirmed bear sighting at Nehalem Bay State Park. Rangers observed a lone adult crossing the park entrance road just…
Seabird Monitoring Training June 3rd
If you like to watch seabirds and care about their welfare, here’s a chance to study them and contribute to science. Volunteers are needed to monitor the nesting colonies of three north…
Memorial Day Service at Sunset Pioneer Cemetery in Tillamook May 28
Panoramic photos by Don Best of the Memorial Day services at Sunset Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Trask River Road, Tillamook, May 28, 2018
And Someone (Many Someones) Did Do Something – Nehalem American Legion Cemetery Service May 28, 2018
By Laura Swanson, Editor, Tillamook County Pioneer I wasn’t really sure what to expect when I arrived at the American Legion cemetery between Nehalem and Manzanita at about 10:45 am this morning….
Memorial Day – May 28, 2018 – Someone Should Do Something
By Laura Swanson, Editor, Tillamook County Pioneer A few days ago as I began to verify information about plans for Memorial Day services around Tillamook County, it became evident that the only…