On February 17, North Coast Progressives member and Independent Party of Oregon candidate for Oregon House District 32 will be holding his first public campaign event. It will take place from 1 to 4…
Author: Editor
On February 12, 2018, the Oregon State Police is launching an interactive patrol activity map on our webpage http://www.oregon.gov/OSP/pages/index.aspx. This interactive map displays the patrol activities undertaken by OSP across Oregon. This…
THE VINE OF LOVE – Valentine’s Day Poem
Emerging from a bed of faith The vine begins its journey. Nourished by faithfulness Caressed by compassion, Each leaf and blossom Emits a fragrance of passion 0nward it travels, encouraged by Commitment…
Tillamook High School Charity Drive Kicks Off Its 65th Year
Tillamook High School Charity Drive 2018 Court Top left: Freshman Princess: Gabriela Palominos. Sophmore Princess: Maleah Upton. Junior Princess: Mackenzie Guarcell. Senior Princess: Mercy Aziere Allen. Bottom left: Freshman Prince: Colton Harmon….
Highway 101/6 Project Update – Great News! No flagging tomorrow
by Sierra Lauder, Director of Events and Downtown Development, Tillamook Area Chamber of Commerce It’s not often you hear that phrase – great news – when addressing road construction and intermittent road…
Tree Removal at Nehalem Bay State Park Airstrip for Safety Improvements
Safety improvement work at the Nehalem Bay airstrip inside Nehalem Bay State Park began January 30. The project involves removing underbrush along both sides of the 2350-foot airstrip, and clearing out about…
Local Author Victoria Stoppiello reading for 11th year at Astoria’s Fisher Poets Gathering Feb. 23 & 24
Second printing of “This Side of Sand Island: Reflections on Fish, Finns and Finding out about Family on the Lower Columbia” will be available at Astoria’s Fisher Poets Gathering, and directly from…
NCRD’s 28th annual Pool-A-Thon, Saturday, Feb. 17
In the “Land of Many Waters” swimming is considered to be an essential “life skill.” And Nehalem Elementary School students are fortunate to have weekly swim lessons FREE. Over 150 students every…
Beautiful Creations for Beautiful Creatures A New Spin on Flowers – Unique Crowns and Wearable Art Just in Time for Valentine’s Day
By Laura Swanson, Editor Tillamook County Pioneer It’s looming – the big “V” Day – Valentine’s Day. When we show our love for partners, friends, family, fur-babies, any and all our loved…
Highway 101/6 Project Update – 2/8/18: Girder-pocalypse Phase 2 – Monday 2/12 and Tuesday 2/13
By Sierra Lauder, Director of Events and Downtown Development, Tillamook Area Chamber of Commerce Last week we had incredible support spreading the message about the setting of the girders on Tuesday, Feb….