SOS Tillamook continues “Community Conversations” with a speaker series featuring Robin Rose on October 19th and 20th that provides a focus on self-care and stress reduction through mindfulness techniques. Join us for…
Author: Editor
Tillamook Bay Watershed Council’s upcoming “Science by the Bay” Oct. 19
Join the Tillamook Bay Watershed Council for “Science by the Bay” presentation Thursday night, October 19th, for the next Science By the Bay event featuring local wildlife biologist Paul Atwood. In his…
Tillamook County SB1517 Pilot Program – October 19th Open House
Tillamook County Community Development invites the community to an open house on Thursday, October 19th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the Tillamook Bay Community College to find out more about the…
The Littoral Life: An Open Letter to White Men
By Dan Haag Dear white men, Look at the news: racial tension, hostile politics, gun violence and sexual predation are just a few of our recent greatest hits. You’re not going to…
Highway 101/6 Project Update – 10/11/17
By Sierra Lauder, Director of Events and Downtown Development, Tillamook Area Chamber of Commerce “Weather dependent” was the most used phrase at this week’s Highway Project meeting. Almost all aspects of the…
Tillamook FFA Chapter Dinner & Auction Nov. 4th
Please join us for a fundraiser sponsored by Tillamook FFA Alumni and Supporters to help support the Tillamook FFA Chapter. Dinner & Silent Auction Saturday, November 4th at 6 PM; Formal Program…
Hunter Struck in Leg by Target Shooter Off Hwy. 6
On Friday, October 13, 2017 at approximately 6:00pm, Tillamook 911 received a call from a subject advising he had been shot in the leg in an area about 5 miles up Kansas…
A Ghana Experience
By Virginia Prowell Thanks to the work of Bill Landau of the Tillamook Library Association for bringing such a delightful and talented musician from Ghana of West Africa…
Forum Presented Monday Oct. 16th on Construction Excise Referendum at TBCC, 7 pm
The American Association of University Women Tillamook Branch and the Headlight Herald will co-host a forum to present both support and opposition of Referendum 29-152. The question on the November 7, 2017…
Tillamook Bay Community College Offers Free Financial Aid Workshop
Tillamook Bay Community College will hold a Free Financial Aid Workshop to assist all students planning on attending college in 2018/2019 on October 25th from 10 AM to 3 PM and 4:30…