The Board of Commissioners is seeking representatives from Tillamook County to serve on the Tillamook County Housing Commission. Formed by the Board in June 2018, the Housing Commission is charged with creating,…
Author: Editor
Statement from Tillamook Police Department about Local Law Enforcement Training & Readiness for Active Shooting Situation
By Chief Ray Rau We watch with heavy hearts the news coverage of the innocent lives lost in Uvalde on Tuesday. In light of the details coming out about the Uvalde school…
WORDS OF WISDOM: My Ten Minute Rule
by Neal Lemery I try to live an organized, purposeful life, with some guiding principles and an action plan. My “to do” list should be close at hand, current and relevant. If…
Tillamook County Residents Camp FREE at County Parks – June 3-4-5
Free Camping Weekend is BACK! On June 3, 4, and 5th, Tillamook County Residents camp for free at all six of our campground locations (reservation fee applies). Reservations are available to Tillamook…
Tillamook County Dairy Women: Spreading the Word about All Things Dairy
The Tillamook County Dairy Women is the local affiliate of the Oregon Dairy Women — an all-volunteer, non-profit organization with the mission of promoting greater use of all dairy products through outreach…
LETTER TO EDITOR: Who Represents our Children?
My heart continues to break, child by child. Nineteen more children and two more adults needlessly lost forever. How do we fix this unbelievably horrific and grave problem in our country? Why…
By Gordon McCraw, Meteorologist for Tillamook County Emergency Management Friday, May 27, 2022, 08:15am The front has pushed through but the associated low pressure area remains offshore west of northern Vancouver Island….
FARMERS MARKETS SEASON – Garibaldi Night Market, Tonight; Manzanita Farmers Market Opens Tomorrow, May 27th
The season of farmers markets is here! This year, there are five different markets across the county, each with their own unique set of vendors selling fresh fruits & veggies, baked goods,…
It’s True – Barview Jetty Store is OPEN!
From Barview Jetty Store’s Facebook Page 5/26/22: Yesterday, May 25th, we had our ‘Quiet Opening’ and it was fantastic! We can’t thank Marilyn and Rick enough for helping us learn the ropes…
MEMORIAL DAY: VFW at Werner’s Fri. & Sat. May 27 & 28
The local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) will be at Werner’s Beef & Brew this Friday and Saturday, May 27th and 28th from 10 am to 2 pm for the Memorial Day…