Garibaldi, Oregon (May 2022) – USCG Auxiliary, FL 63 is proud to sponsor Courtesy Vessel Safety Checks to help promote National Safe Boating Week, May 21-27, the official launch of the 2022…
Author: Editor
Monday Musical Club High School Award Competition Open to the Public Sun. May 22nd, 2 pm at Tillamook United Methodist Church
Monday Musical Club of Tillamook is very happy to announce that our High School Junior-Senior Award Competition will be held Sunday, May 22, 2022 at 2 PM at the Tillamook United Methodist…
BAY CITY ARTS CENTER EVENTS: Pancakes & C-O-N-N-E-C-T-I-O-N This Sunday, May 15th – 9 am to Noon
In case you haven’t heard, the Bay City Arts Center is resuming its legendary all-you-can-eat Pancake Breakfast this Sunday, May 15th, from 9:00AM to 12:00 Noon. This very special Pancake Breakfast coincides with two art shows: Tam Hulbert’s vibrant…
Mental Health Awareness Information Fair Friday May 20th, 1 – 3 pm at Tillamook Main Library
The Tillamook County Suicide Prevention Coalition is a group of community-serving professionals who meet monthly to work together to raise awareness of suicide prevention information, encourage prevention education, and plan and attend…
Kiwanis of Tillamook Raise $22,000 for Scholarships for Local Students
The Kiwanis Club of Tillamook has just completed their 2022 KT Days Scholarship Drive with a total of $22,000 raised through the sale of radio advertising on KTIL and Coast Radio, individual…
Governor declares May 16 to be “Rural Senior Day” in Oregon; Forum on Aging in Rural Oregon in Seaside May 16-18
The Oregon Office of Rural Health announced that Governor Brown has declared May 16, 2022 “Rural Senior Day” in Oregon. Seniors over the age of 65 represent 18% of all Oregonians and…
Nestucca High School Musicals Return with Performances of Li’l Abner May 18th, May 21-22, Continuing 60 Year Tradition
Nestucca High School students will present the musical Li’l Abner for a week of performances in the gym of Nestucca High School. On Wednesday, May 18th community members are invited to attend…
TILLAMOOK COUNTY WELLNESS: National Prevention Week – Safe Medication Tips
By Janeane Krongos, Tillamook Family Counseling Center Many people will take prescription medications at some point. When used as prescribed, these medications can be beneficial in treating medical conditions, maintaining body functions,…
COMMUNITY ALERT: Risk of Fenantyl Overdose Deaths in School-Age Youth – Guidance for Parents, Schools, Community
School districts across the state are sharing this information about the risk of fentanyl overdose deaths in school-age youth. This Community Threat Bulletin – Risk of fentanyl overdose deaths in school-aged youth:…
COVID-19 Cases HIGH in Tillamook County, Community Health Recommends Masks in Public Places
Many people continue to wear masks not just for their protection, but for the protection of others, too. Each COVID-19 variant has gotten progressively more contagious. The latest, Omicron, is about four-to-six…