On Friday April 15, 2022, the Seaside Aquarium had the pleasure of rescuing this feisty beaver. First reported as a sea otter, it took us a few trips up and down the beach to finally locate him. He was originally spotted up by Sunset Beach but before we could get to him, he got startled and went back out into the surf. He swam all the way to Gearhart Beach before hauling back out. We were able to successfully capture the beaver and get him to the Wildlife Center of the North Coast. If all goes well, once he gets a clean bill of health he will be released back into the wild.

While beavers can tolerate brackish water, saltwater can cause some major issues for beavers, especially if ingested. Ingesting too much saltwater can lead to a condition called salt toxicity. Salt toxicity can cause beavers to become lethargic and eventually lead to the animal having seizures. In severe cases this can also lead to death.
Good luck little buddy! To learn more or to donate to the Wildlife Center of the North Coast visit: www.coastwildlife.org.
They are currently looking to fund a new seabird enclosure.
You are welcome to use any photographs attached. Please credit TiffanyBoothe/SeasideAquarium