Explore a conservation corridor during this easy beach walk near Manzanita, Oregon. Learn, enjoy the coastline, and help us build our understanding of what is living on the coastal edge! Monday July 16th, 9 am – 11 am
Neahkahnie Beach, north of Manzanita, Oregon
* Registration required *
To register, visit www.explorenaturetillamookcoast.com or call/email Cape Falcon Marine Reserve at (541).231.8041/capefalconmr@gmail.com
North of Manzanita, Neah-Kah-Nie Beach connects with Cape Falcon Marine Reserve and the Lower Nehalem Community Trust’s Peregrine Point property, a protected lush green forest rising from the sand that extends the protected lands of Oswald West State Park.
Lower Nehalem Watershed Council, Lower Nehalem Community Trust, Friends of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve, and the Oregon Coast Aquarium will lead an educational walk exploring the connections between headwaters and our local seas. A morning low tide will leave tide pools full of sealife waiting to be discovered. The group will then take part in a fun, intertidal “BioBlitz.”
What is a BioBlitz? It’s a fun, intensive survey of a defined area on a single day with the goal of identifying all the species to be found in that area at one time. It is a snapshot of biodiversity. Come explore Oregon’s coastal waters while enjoying citizen science activities aimed at helping local scientists better catalog and monitor the species of the region!
Participants must register at www.explorenaturetillamookcoast.com or call/email Cape Falcon Marine Reserve at (541).231-8041/capefalconmr@gmail.com
Want to get involved in more BioBlitz in Oregon’s Marine Reserves? Visit www.aquarium.org/bioblitz/