Community Action Resource Enterprises, Inc. (CARE) invites the community to a special online event…
Writing the Next Chapter of CARE: A conversation about the future of CARE
Hosted by Erin Skaar, Outgoing CARE Executive Director and
Peter Starkey, Incoming CARE Executive Director
Thursday, December 10, 2020 from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
4:00—Virtual Open House with Erin & Peter – Drop in (virtually) and wish Erin well as she moves into her role as Tillamook County Commissioner; and get to know Peter. “You can treat this like a fireside chat without the fire,” commented Erin on KTIL radio. “Drop in say hi, virtually, of course. Get to know Peter. He brings a solid background in housing and homeless issues that will be a great fit for CARE and Tillamook County.”
At 5 pm there will be a presentation on the future of CARE followed by a live Q&A.
To join CARE for the virtual open house on Thursday December 10th starting at 4 pm, log on to