Nehalem Solidarity with Black Lives Matter on Saturday, June 20 (organized by members of the Nehalem community) Join us for a peaceful gathering in downtown Nehalem on Saturday, June 20, from 12:00…
Category: Logging & Forestry
Personal Woodcutting Permits Sales End on July 17, 2020
The Oregon Department of Forestry, Tillamook District office will stop selling personal woodcutting permits for areas in the Tillamook State Forest at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, July 17, 2020. Please note that…
July 13: Meeting on developing a Habitat Conservation Plan for western Oregon’s state forests
The Oregon Department of Forestry invites you to a virtual meeting open to the public on Monday, July 13 to learn more about a potential Habitat Conservation Plan for state forestlands west…
Weyerhaeuser Sprays Clear-cut without Notifying Neighbors
On May 31, a Nehalem resident hiking behind her house in Nehalem came upon a sign tacked to a post explaining that spraying was going to take place on ___________________ . The…
Weyerhaeuser sprayed pesticides above Nehalem June 3rd; More spraying planned, and why we should be concerned
By Nancy Webster, North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection On Wednesday, June 3, Weyerhaeuser ground-sprayed pesticides on about 100 acres of their clearcut land within 1/4 mile of residential areas of Nehalem….
Testify or Submit Comments on East Foley Creek Clearcutting to Board of Forestry for Wed., June 3, Meeting
By Nancy Webster, North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection On Wednesday, June 3rd, at 2:00 p.m. there will be a Board of Forestry meeting. You can sign up to testify (must be…
Weyerhaeuser will be applying pesticides above Nehalem next week
A 100 acre section, located behind the Nehalem Elementary School, is due to have the chemical application done by hand by 14 Weyerhaeuser employees. At least that provides discrete application to specific…
GOOD NEWS: Hampton Lumber Employee Tests NEGATIVE for COVID-19
A bit of good news for Tillamook County residents, Mark Elston, Plant Manager at Hampton Lumber just emailed that the Hampton Lumber employee’s COVID-19 test was NEGATIVE. Stay home and stay healthy…
North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection: Forest Waters Ballot Measure and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU); Upcoming Presentation – Feb. 29th Pesticides and Environmental Justice: Impacts on Community Health”
A landmark Memorandum of Understanding was signed on February 7, 2020 between environmental groups and industrial timber corporations. Yes, we’ve all been wondering, and feeling frustrated, about the timing of the MOU….
North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection: “The Eagles Flew Over” – Inspired by the Informational Rally in Wheeler Jan. 11th
Gwendolyn Endicott wrote this story about the informational rally that North Coast Communities For Watershed Protection (NCCWP) held in Wheeler on Saturday, January 11, 2020. Her story is a gift to all…