Hampton Lumber’s Big Creek Forest is hosting BodyVox for a special evening of dance under the stars with the mighty Columbia River serving as a natural backdrop, 13 miles east of Astoria…
Category: Logging & Forestry
FIRE DANGER LEVELS TO INCREASE: Northwest Oregon Protection Association – IFPL and Public Use restriction change
From NW District Foresters: We have a “significant weather pattern shift” beginning today, August 26th. For most of this fire season, we have enjoyed seasonable temperatures and relative humidity levels. The first…
Tillamook Forest Center Events – Aug. 9-11: Smokey Bear’s 75th Birthday Party, Friday, Aug. 9th
Join the Tillamook Forest Center staff for a variety of fascinating, forest-related programs. From Dutch oven cooking presentations to wildflower walks we’ve got something for everyone. Most events are FREE and open…
OP/ED: New Nehalem clear cuts July 2019, close to home
By Glenna Gray I like to drive around the Nehalem area and take photos. Sometimes I venture south to Nedonna Beach, sometimes north to Short Sands and beyond. Last week I was…
ODF TOUR JULY 2nd CANCELLED at Hug Point; Local Organizations Plan Rally for Trees July 2nd, Hug Point – ODF PLANS CLEAR-CUT ABOVE HUG POINT AND ARCADIA
EDITOR’S NOTE: Kate J. Skinner, Tillamook District Forester, Oregon Department of Forestry notified the Pioneer today that ODF’s Astoria District has cancelled the July 2nd tour. WHEN: TUESDAY JULY 2 @ 9:00…
Oregon Department of Forestry plans to clear-cut 77 acres of public forest containing the drinking watershed for Arcadia Sands / Picture Windows residents. This cut, called the Norriston Heights Timber Sale, abuts…
2019 Fire Season Starts July 1st
Fire Season will officially begin on Monday, July 1, 2019 at 01:00 a.m. This will affect all lands protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry in the Northwest Oregon Forest Protection District….
Incredible Insects at Tillamook Forest Center June 29th
They are often seen as villains, but what if they’re superheroes in disguise? On Saturday, June 29th from 11:30 am to Noon, join us for a short talk on the benefits that…
Trygve Steen presents: “The Pacific Northwest’s Forest Management Crisis Continues,” a multimedia presentation blending art and science July 9th at NCRD
How do we value trees and old forests? Are they board-feet of lumber waiting to be used as an economic resource, or are they places of incredible beauty supporting vitally important biological…
Tillamook High School Science Research Students win state awards, Sam Hooley chosen to represent Oregon at the International Science and Engineering Fair in May
2019 Northwest Science Exposition (NWSE) results: Sam Hooley: Historic Spatial Arrangement and Potential Fire and Disease Reduction in Coastal Forests 1st place in State; Plant Sciences Selected for Best of Fair –…