Friday, September 15, 2017 Cooler temperatures and rain in the forecast do not indicate an end to fire season. Current conditions and continued scarce firefighting resources are contributing factors to heightened fire…
Category: Logging & Forestry
Tillamook Burn Revisted
Editor’s Note: The recent devastating fire in the Columbia Gorge, I’ve been reminded of the Tillamook Burn, and how my parents and grandparents always talked about the devastation. My grandfather was a…
Sunday, Sept. 3, 2017: Fire danger remains high to extreme throughout Oregon
Red Flag Warnings continue across much of Oregon today, as well as continued extreme heat warnings and air quality alerts. Conditions on the ground remain ideal for new fire starts and…
Wildfire Awareness Reminder – Only YOU can prevent forest fires …
As the public is heading to the forest for the Holiday weekend, Oregon Department of Forestry wants to remind everyone we are in High Fire Danger and ODF is asking for your…
Oregon Department of Forestry Fire Update – Sunday, August 27
ODF dispatches Incident Management Team 3 to manage the Horse Prairie Fire in Douglas County ODF’s Incident Management Team 3 takes command at noon today of the Horse Prairie Fire, following briefings…
Oregon Dept. of Forestry Announces Gate Closures for Hunting Seasons
The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) will resume road restrictions this fall in the western part of the Tillamook State Forest to improve deer and elk escapement during hunting season. Some roads…
Section of Nehalem River to be considered for State Scenic Waterway Program – Meeting to be held Sept. 12
The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department is asking for feedback on an important study evaluating a 17-mile section of the Nehalem River for possible inclusion in the State Scenic Waterways Program. The…
Fire Update – Sunday, August 20, 2017 – Explosive growth on Chetco Bar Fire leads to conflagration declaration
Several existing fires in Oregon grew yesterday, with the greatest growth on the Chetco Bar Fire in Curry County in southwest Oregon. Overnight strong north winds pushed the fire south, increasing it…
Existing large fires in central Oregon spread quickly yesterday
Friday, August 18, 2017 Winds helped fan the spread of two existing large fires in central Oregon yesterday while a third in southern Oregon crossed a river barrier. With hundreds of…
“Full Staffing” Positioned to Prevent Wildfires in Tillamook State Forest
(TILLAMOOK, Ore.) – Eddy Wallmark, Tillamook Protection Unit Forester said his wildland firefighers will be at “full staffing” and where they need to be, before, during, and after the Eclipse. Because…