A brand-new internship opportunity for high school and college students is helping local businesses meet short- and long-term workforce needs and giving students hands-on work experience. Tillamook Works is a career readiness…
Category: Business
Fulcrum Small Business Relief Fund Art Raffle
Fulcrum Community Resources announces a new fundraiser to benefit their small business community of Manzanita, Nehalem, Wheeler and the Nehalem Valley area. Local visionary artist, Shaukya Dekker, has graciously donated her recent…
It’s Pesticide Season in Tillamook County
By Nancy Webster, North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection When will our “Dark Waters” be filmed? For those who have seen that 2019 movie, which covered DuPont Chemical Company knowingly dumping industrial…
Transient Lodging Tax (TLT) Revenues Should Support Public Safety Services
By Bill Baertlein, Chair, Tillamook County Board of Commissioners Tillamook County has a population of approximately 26,000, which our first responders can barely provide services for. Tourism has increased year after year…
Tillamook Chamber of Commerce Endorses Suzanne Weber for State Representative
The Tillamook Chamber of Commerce is stepping into the endorsement arena to support Tillamook Mayor Suzanne Weber for State Representative of House District 32. “Elected officials play a large part of how…
Beaches, Rivers Bombarded by Barroom Behavior Blamed on COVID Closures; Local Officials, State Organizations Team Up with Quick Response, Some Solutions to Address Immediate Concerns, Planning for Long-term
By Laura Swanson According to Tillamook County Board of Commissioners, “Our email boxes are overflowing with photos, statements and stories about trash, parking, illegal camping, human waste, and more.” We are having…
Talking Trash – A Letter to Visitors
Dear visitors, I am the coordinator at the Manzanita Visitors Center. I love my job for many reasons, chief of which is that I get to interact with travelers from everywhere around…
$25.9 Million Available to Oregon Cultural Nonprofits for Covid-19 Relief
Funds allocated to the Oregon Cultural Trust (OCT) will be available to Oregon cultural organizations facing losses due to the COVID-19 health crisis. The $25.9 million in funding was made available through…
Oregon Forestry Department: High Fire Danger Goes into Effect Thursday Aug. 13th
With the predicted dry weather and the condition of the fuels, we will be going to High Fire Danger for public use (yellow) and IFPL 2 for weather zones NW2 and NW3,…
Governor Announces Updates to the County Watch List
(Salem, OR) — On Thursday August 6th, Governor Kate Brown announced that Lake County has succeeded in reducing the spread of COVID-19 sufficiently enough to be removed from the County Watch List….