EDITOR’S NOTE: Here’s an installment from Tillamook County’s State Representative Cyrus Javadi’s Substack blog, “A Point of Personal Privilege” Oregon legislator and local dentist. Representing District 32, I focus on practical policies…
Category: Commentary
A POINT OF PERSONAL PRIVILEGE: From Potholes to Politics – Why Oregon’s Gas Costs Keep Climbing
EDITOR’S NOTE: Here’s an installment from Tillamook County’s State Representative Cyrus Javadi’s Substack blog, “A Point of Personal Privilege” Oregon legislator and local dentist. Representing District 32, I focus on practical policies…
“Frivolous” Manzanita Lawsuit … It’s Not Really About the Report
By Laura Swanson Now, given my profession and how long I’ve been doing this, don’t do the math (over 40 years – most in this community) I’m usually unconcerned about the gossip…
DREW’S REVIEWS: Superman – Champion of the Oppressed
By Andrew Jenck Images credited to Warner Bros. Discovery The following essay contains spoilers for My Adventures with Superman. However, the series may still be emotionally investing should you watch the show…
CLUB MANZANITA: City Declines To Allow Citizens Opportunity To Testify On Manzanita Water Fund Policy
By Randy Kugler I recently requested both Councilor Campbell and the City Manager to include an Agenda item to allow the opportunity for citizens to ask questions and offer testimony on the adoption of…
MANZANITA WATER: Monthly Billing to Continue
By Randy Kugler Manzanita will keep monthly water billing. The story behind the election results however is the 224 voters who registered their disapproval of this Council decision. The Referendum provided an…
TRYING TO SEE: Hey, How’d We Get Here?
By Michael Randall In 1911, German-born sociologist Robert Michels described what he called “the Iron Law of Oligarchy” to which all human societies must succumb, including representative democracies like our own. The…
EDITOR’S NOTE: Someone had to have seen the removal of the signs – if you see something, say something. Please contact the Tillamook County non-emergency line at 503-815-1911, or contact the Tillamook…
Rockaway Beach Mayor Charles McNeilly’s Comments on Recent Legal Decision, Court Upholds City’s Ordinance, Election Procedure
By Rockaway Beach Mayor Charles McNeilly The City of Rockaway Beach’s goal is to conduct open, accessible and accurate elections in accordance with the law. The City is following a nomination and…
Viral Question – asked of women: “Would you rather meet a bear or a man in the woods?”
EDITOR’S NOTE: It started several weeks ago – on a social media platform. A couple of women discussing the scenario, “would you rather meet a bear or a man in the woods?”…