By Jim Heffernan In 1960, when I was 14, John F. Kennedy, the first Catholic President, was inaugurated as President of the United States. I was in 8th grade at a Catholic…
Category: Commentary
WORDS OF WISDOM: My Ten Minute Rule
by Neal Lemery I try to live an organized, purposeful life, with some guiding principles and an action plan. My “to do” list should be close at hand, current and relevant. If…
WORDS OF WISDOM: The Power of Collective Silence
By Neal Lemery I found myself at a local café, having a late breakfast, with about a dozen other community members who had the same idea. At a nearby table, a family…
NEWS UPDATE FROM STATE REPRESENTATIVE DAVID GOMBERG: Your Chance to Vote or Comment on Critical Events
Ballots for the May election are due tomorrow May 17th You can deposit them at public ballot box sites or drop them in the mail — but be sure they are put in your…
SATIRE: Second Amendment Sanctuary Meets Tucker’s Toaster
By Michael Randall In May 17’s primary election, Tillamook County folks will have the chance to vote on proposed Measure 29-161, which if passed will prohibit our county sheriff’s deputies from enforcing…
Celebrating Mothers Every Day, Every Kind of Special Caregiver
EDITOR’S NOTE: Thanks for sharing your thoughtful words about Mothers Day , Robyn. As I read these words, names and faces popped into my head in every category. For all the moms…
Abortion: Tornado in My Coffee Cup
EDITOR’S NOTE: The fate of Roe v. Wade the landmark abortion rights case hangs in the balance, and it seems that a “leaked” draft of the decision has the Supreme Court decision…
OP/ED: Internet Fiber is here in Tillamook County!
By Bill Hassell But you can’t have it. Unless you are a very large business, a few libraries, a handful of schools or a government agency, you cannot have high speed (aka,…
A Just Right PAC Delivers
(Tillamook County, Oregon) A Just Right, the unique multi-partisan political action committee that formed less than two months ago, has delivered on its promise of a wide-spread awareness campaign throughout Tillamook County….
Campaign Gossip: Real Transparency, Truth & Kindness – Statement from Mary Faith Bell
EDITOR’S NOTE: We’ve all heard the phrase “politics is a dirty business.” And it seems in recent history that the “smear your opponent” tactic has become the weapon of choice – even…