CARE, Inc. is pleased to announce that $20,000 in funding has been made available to assist Tillamook County individuals and families economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to a community wellness…
Category: Commentary
WORDS OF WISDOM: Quarantined
Regeneration, rejuvenation, restoration— Yet nature unaffected — Late afternoon quiet One car on the highway, far away The one dog barks twice, then joins the status quo Birds cavorting, swirling, scouting for…
HUMOR: Social Responsibility in the Age of COVID-19 – The Rules
This is from the Pioneer’s Facebook page – and it was shared over 100 times as well as received lots of rave reviews/comments. We know that many of our readers “don’t do…
An Essential Empath
~ Lynn St. Georges dedicates this essay to all the helpers “in these times” – the grocery store workers, the gas station attendants, the restaurants, the drivers and farmers and laborers. Thank…
The ‘indefinitely’ … entering month two of Shelter-In-Place. A Love Letter.
A Long Love Letter to Our Community ❤ April 13, 2020 By Amanda Cavitt, co-owner Garibaldi Portside Bistro What interesting times we’re in right now. And I say “we” because we are…
Easter Sunday Message from Gordon McCraw
Today is the day that traditionally, we used to dress up our children in their new Easter clothes, then go to church, followed by a grand Easter dinner with family and friends…
Drew’s Delayed Editorial: CORONAVIRUS VS. CINEMA
By Andrew Jenck The Wuhan Coronavirus has disrupted the film release schedule more drastically than anything in the past few decades. You’ve probably heard by now that major film releases have been…
Words of Wisdom: Connecting and Creating
By Neal Lemery This time of quarantine, social distancing, staying home is a new order in society. Our social connections can become frayed, even severed. The many events of daily life have…
Some Words from Sheriff Candidate Gordon McCraw
By Gordon McCraw, Candidate for Tillamook County Sheriff As many of you know, I am indeed running for Sheriff in this November’s Election. Normally, a candidate would be talking about himself, his…
Hunkering Down
By Neal Lemery The morning drizzle finds me inside, sorting and organizing, rediscovering my writing space. Long neglected filing cabinets and piles of papers are now getting sorted. I have a number…