By Tillamook County Board of Commissioners Lack of available housing is one of the biggest challenges in our area. This includes housing of all kinds: emergency housing for the homeless, supported housing…
Category: Commentary
by Garry Bullard, Former Mayor of Manzanita To the Manzanita Community: Our community includes full-time residents, second home owners and a flood of visitors who come in and go out like the…
The Littoral Life: No particular place to go
By Dan Haag Nothing says road trip like long, empty stretches of highway. Just you, a car, and miles of blacktop. Additionally, nothing says road trip like desperately searching for a place…
Support for Manzanita City Hall Bond Measure
To the editor: I’ve noticed the controversy surrounding plans for a new city hall for Manzanita. I like to discover facts for myself, so I’ve attended a couple meetings, visited the current…
OP/ED: Personal Story About Housing in Tillamook County
By Kari Fleisher The opinions stated here are my own and may not be a reflection on any board or commission of which I may be appointed/elected. Upon moving back to Tillamook…
Voting for Manzanita public administrative hub ensures community thrives into future
By Thomas Aschenbrener, Manzanita City Councilor There is a real community in Manzanita and we are at our best when we openly share information and listen to each other. We will always…
Manzanita City Auditor Response
By Randy Kugler At the August City Council meeting, Mayor Scott referenced a letter from the City Auditor that implied that there were no problems found with the 50% overhead allocation from…
City of Manzanita City Council Meeting, September 4, 2019
Comments of Chip Greening (Ridge Road, Manzanita) Mayor and Council Members: Thank you for the opportunity to speak for the first time in this chamber. I am prompted to do so after…
Manzanita Water Fund
By Randy Kugler Why is the $92,600 taken from the Water Fund to pay City Hall salaries something citizens should even be concerned about? Every dollar that the City can avoid paying…
Tillamook County Fair Awards, Prize Money Prompts Memories
Editor’s Note: Local artist and writer Karen Keltz posted this on her Facebook page a few days ago, and the 50+ comments told me that these memories would resonate with Pioneer readers….