EDITOR’S NOTE: Last week, Linda Tate shared her personal story about the recent loss of her father and the shocking discovery that he was not receiving adequate care. Here she shares more…
Category: Commentary
By Karen Keltz I have heard that most people want the same things, no matter their creed, politics, gender, religion: the elementaries of healthy, nourishing food, shelter that gives comfort, water, heat…
Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer
By Neal Lemery When I was a kid, Nat King Cole made this a popular song, and the lyrics still seem to sum up summertime on the Oregon coast, with an increasingly…
An Anchor in a Storm
By Neal Lemery We are often called to stand by a friend, offering a hand and being their anchor. A friend was recently in the middle of a storm in his life,…
GUEST COLUMN: Putting Your TLT Dollars to Work – Part 1
By Mary Faith Bell, Tillamook County Commissioner Last year when I was on the campaign trail for the office of county commissioner, a number of people asked me, ‘What is the county…
OP/ED: New Nehalem clear cuts July 2019, close to home
By Glenna Gray I like to drive around the Nehalem area and take photos. Sometimes I venture south to Nedonna Beach, sometimes north to Short Sands and beyond. Last week I was…
The Littoral Life: Mapping the way
By Dan Haag Who doesn’t love vacation? I love time away from work, chores and the other regular, often mind-numbing monotony of everyday life. For me, vacations are a must, as essential…
IN GOOD HEALTH: Heroin vs. Prescription Opioids
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Tillamook County Pioneer started publishing the column “In Good Health” by the Northwest Osteopathic Medical Foundation in June 2018. We were proud that NWOMF selected the Pioneer as a…
Differing Perceptions, Critical Thoughts
By David McCall, Chair, Tillamook County Democrats Though the 2019 legislative session wrapped up June 30th, deciphering just what happened (or didn’t happen) and the repercussions of those actions and inactions may…
Peace Out Loud: Close the Camps
EDITOR’S NOTE: As we were celebrating “Independence” day and our freedom, there are vivid examples of these very freedoms being denied to the most vulnerable. I had reached out to Romy Carver…