EDITOR’S NOTE: We have recently watched several regional news media interviewing Tillamook County residents and other political prognosticators – including this well-written overview from Willamette Week. Tillamook County is established as a…
Category: Community
The Tillamook County Library is seeking applications for two library board seats on the library board of directors. We are seeking people who are passionate about our libraries with a variety of…
OHA FACTS: Make safety part of your holiday celebrations; Funding not related to case or death counts
EDITOR’S NOTE: With the highest daily case count today (Oct. 29th) in Oregon, folks need to re-think their Halloween plans. We have had several inquiries: “Is Halloween cancelled?” No, but consider celebrating…
Highest Daily Case Count Oct. 29th – Oregon reports 575 new confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases, 2 new deaths; Tillamook County adds 2 more cases, at 74 cases total
Tillamook County Emergency Management – COVID-19 Update (10/29/20) Over the last couple of days, we have had an additional 4 positive cases: one in each age group – a 10-19yo, a 20-29yo,…
Community Gathering for Unity and Healing – Join Us Virtually Nov. 14th
Every day we see signs of our country’s dividedness. It’s easy to despair, but we don’t have to overcome these divisions on our own. By gathering together in community, we regain hope…
TILLAMOOK COUNTY WELLNESS: How to Build Resiliency During a Crisis
By Sara Todd, Licensed Clinical Social Worker at Rinehart Clinic How’s your heart? No, I don’t mean that organ working so hard to pump life throughout your body. I mean that space…
Tillamook County Pioneer’s QUESTIONS FOR CANDIDATES Series – Nov. 2020: City of Garibaldi – Mayor & City Council Positions
#7 – And the last in our Questions for the Candidates series. The current count from the Tillamook County Clerks office as of 2 pm today October 28th: Voter Turnout 60.09% Total…
Tillamook County Fire Chiefs Have a Unified Request: “Pack Your Common Sense” – A new video promotes public safety to Tillamook County visitors
Tillamook County, Oregon: In a partnership between all seven fire chiefs of Tillamook County and the Oregon Coast Visitors Association (OCVA), a new video welcomes visitors to the Tillamook Coast with one…
Sandlake Road Project Oct. 29 & 30 – Expect Minimal Delays from Hwy. 101 to Cape Lookout Road
Please be advised that a surface friction treatment project will occur on Sandlake Road, October 29 and October 30. The project area will be controlled by flaggers with minimal delays. The Contractor…
Oregon reports 424 new confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases, 7 new deaths; Tillamook County reports 2 new cases today Oct. 28th, total cases at 72
PORTLAND, Ore. — COVID-19 has claimed seven more lives in Oregon, raising the state’s death toll to 671, the Oregon Health Authority reported at today, October 28th. Oregon Health Authority reported 424…