The rest of August is dedicated to finishing touches on Pacific Ave., focusing on finishing curbs and sidewalks, drainage details, grading, paving, and striping. Expect lane closures on Pacific the next few…
Category: Community
Missing Person Investigation Ongoing – Eric “Rick” Prueitt
The Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating a missing/endangered person complaint filed the evening of August 8th, 2017, involving Eric Daniel Prueitt, age 41, from the Tillamook area. Mr. Prueitt is…
“Ode to Eclipse” — DDD & SEH
by Virginia Prowell (8-9-2017) Two years ago, I wrote a poem about the Calendar Family, referring to August as the step child, because nothing of importance happens in August. Now…
“Full Staffing” Positioned to Prevent Wildfires in Tillamook State Forest
(TILLAMOOK, Ore.) – Eddy Wallmark, Tillamook Protection Unit Forester said his wildland firefighers will be at “full staffing” and where they need to be, before, during, and after the Eclipse. Because…
August 17, 2017 The registered voters of Manzanita yesterday received a two-page letter from Richard Mastenik explaining why he wants to recall me and three other members of the Manzanita city council….
Letter to Editor: Letter Mailed to City of Manzanita Registered Voters
EDITOR’S NOTE: Manzanita resident Richard Mastenik has filed recall petitions for four of the Manzanita City Council members, and this week mailed a 2-page letter with supporting information to every elector in…
Manzanita Visitors Center – North County Events – 8/18 – 8/22:
08/18, Live Music: Erotic City, San Dune Pub, Manzanita, 9 pm 08/19, Beaver Trail Tours, Nehalem, 10 am, Registration at 08/19, Bluegrass & BBQ, Feat. The Columbians, Feat. The Columbians, 2…
ECLIPSE NEWS: Tillamook State Forest, We’re Prepared and Ready
(TILLAMOOK, Ore.) – Wildfire prevention are the words of the week as wildland firefighters expect visitors from around the United States and world to pass though the Tillamook State Forest in route…
FEATURE: Ready or Not … Here Comes the Eclipse — August 21st
By April Bailey & Laura Swanson It is a once in a lifetime event — a total solar eclipse that will cast itself across the entire United States; a corner of South…
Tillamook County Transportation District Provides Info. for Bus Riders during Eclipse
Two words of advice for WAVE riders during the days leading up to the total solar eclipse and the August 21st event: planning and patience. (This would good advice for EVERYONE for…