By Madame Dana Zia How ya all doing with this wild ride of a Mercury retrograde? I was rather fascinated with what was going to happen during this one due to this…
Category: Astrology
ASTROLOGY: Spring Equinox and the Shadow illuminated by the Full Moon
By Madame Dana Zia This is one of those rare years when the full Moon lands right smack on the Spring Equinox—on March 20, 2019, in North America. This only happens three…
ASTROLOGY: Navigating Mercury Retrograde
By Madame Dana Zia Mercury went retrograde on the 5th within the New Moon window and will go direct on the 28th. This is the first of Mercury’s three retrogrades this year…
ASTROLOGY: Super Full Moon in Virgo Tuesday!
By Madame Dana Zia The Full Moon on February 19th at 7:53am PST falls in the earthy sign of Virgo and is the most powerful Super Moon of the year. This Super…
ASTROLOGY: Lunar Imbolc 2019
By Madame Dana Zia Happy Lunar Imbolc! Lunar Imbolc is the New Moon in Aquarius that happens at 1:04pm PT today, is the cross quarter holiday that is half way to Spring…
ASTROLOGY: January 2019 – BAM!
By Madame Dana Zia Blessed are the cracked because they let the light in. (Sculpture “Expansion” by Paige Bradley) That is what these last few weeks have been about. I’m feeling it,…
ASTROLOGY: Happy New Years from the Stars!
By Madame Dana Zia 2019 looks to be another interesting year that starts out in a very positive light! The year opens with the Quadrantid Meteor shower that peeks on January 4th….
ASTROLOGY: Winter’s Solstice 2018
By Madame Dana Zia We are in in the den of the bear, deeply into our own personal hibernations. (I don’t know about you, but getting up at 9 am is even…
ASTROLOGY: Peace on Earth and Rainbows
By Madame Dana Zia We have lots of planets changing places for the holiday season, ya know, just to make it MORE interesting. To kick it off, Mercury went retrograde on Friday,…
ASTROLOGY: Taurus Full Moon 10/24/18
By Madame Dana Zia On October 24th at 9:45am the Full Moon in Taurus brings an intense desire to make changes. This October Full Moon is called the “Hunter’s Moon” for obvious…