By Jim Heffernan Marc C. Johnson is a local author who serves as President on Nehalem Bay Health District. He moved here after a career in journalism, teaching and government in Idaho…
Category: Jim Heffernan
Rise for America: Zoom Meetings Friday, Saturday for Political Conversations
The only way we’re going to be able to bridge our political divides is if we all come to the table. Jim Heffernan continues his call to action for blues, reds and…
BOOK REVIEW: Deer Hunting with Jesus – Dispatches from America’s Class War
By Jim Heffernan This book was published 15 years ago but remains accurate and topical today. The author writes about his hometown of Winchester, Virginia in the early years of George W.’s…
BOOK REVIEW: “The Common Good” by Robert Reich
EDITOR’S NOTE: When I saw the announcement below from Robert Reich that he was going to share his book “The Common Ground” a chapter each week, I knew that the Pioneer’s book…
I’ve Been Thinking … Let’s Try This – Rise Up Tillamook County
EDITOR’S NOTE: As Pioneer readers are aware, Jim has been actively involved with Braver Angels for some time now, and he’s been inspired to “bridge the divide” between blues, reds and “in-betweens”…
I’VE BEEN THINKING: Braver Angels’ National Campaign FOR CIVIC RENEWAL – Meeting Series Starts July 21st
By Jim Heffernan America is a nation in crisis. We are so severely polarized that we can’t talk to each other. Our ability to govern ourselves is severely compromised. We need answers…
Book Review – Bill of Obligations by Richard Haass
By Jim Heffernan 237 Pages (63 pages notes and index) Published Jan. 24, 2023 Goodreads 4.21 out of 5, 522 ratings Available Cloud and Leaf Bookstore in Manzanita and Tillamook Public Library…
BOOK REVIEWS: A Two-fer from Jim – “Heading Into The Abyss” & “Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress”
By Jim Heffernan These are books I’ve been stuck on for a while, unsure about reviewing them or not. I think they convey a great message, but I wish they were easier…
BOOK REVIEW: A Time to Build
By Jim Heffernan Maybe I’m hanging out with the wrong people, but it seems all the books I’ve been attracted to lately seem to express great ideas but are not easy to…
I’ve been thinking … Homeless Get Helping Hand(s)
By Jim Heffernan I’ve been thinking about the homeless, in our county and, it seems, everywhere else in our rich country. We hear a lot about it and the preferred answer seems…