By Jim Heffernan My wife and I have always been cat lovers. For 50+ years, we’ve always shared our house with 2 or 3 cats. We’ve always had pet doors to save…
Category: Guest Column
BOOK REVIEW: “The Politics Industry”
By Jim Heffernan I usually wait until I finish a book before I begin to write my review, but this one is different. I’ve read a lot of books about contempory politics…
I’ve been thinking … Braver Angels
By Jim Heffernan I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what generally happens when someone says or writes something that another person doesn’t agree with. A person with strong opinions and weak…
OP/ED: Our Democracy is Threatened!
By Jim Heffernan That’s not a joke. Our Democracy is not only threatened, but it was dealt a body blow. It’s not some sinister foreign conspiracy which threatens us. The threat is…
Manzanita Musings: Resolutions – They Aren’t Just For the New Year Anymore! (OP/ED)
By Kim Rosenberg We are always dealing with history–our personal history, our family’s history, our nation’s history. And when it comes to the city hall in Manzanita, our town’s history. Whether or…
by Neal Lemery Sometimes, it seems easy to skip over the hard stuff, to ignore the “to do” list, those nagging chores and obligations, and go do something else, anything else. I’m…
I’ve been thinking … RESPONSE RESORTS TO NAME-CALLING – Statement Verification, Clarifications
EDITOR’S NOTE: See below for links to Jim Heffernan’s Op/Ed – Ideology over Experience on TSD#9 Policy Committee, and April Bailey’s Response. By Jim Heffernan I will admit that when I first…
BOOK REVIEW: “I Have the Right to Remain Silent—But I Lack the Ability” by Madelaine Brauner Landry
By Jim Heffernan I think perhaps I might have a “book guardian angel” who sits on my shoulder and prods me when she sees a book she thinks I “need” to read….
Response to Jim Heffernan Op/Ed – Ideology over Experience on TSD#9 Policy Board
Sometimes politics taints an individual’s vision of truth so bad that they cannot see those they disagree with as people or see themselves in a mirror. Such is the case in a…
By Representative David Gomberg, House District 10 Hello Neighbors and Friends, Every day in Salem, we receive over 100 emails. I read them and answer them. And increasingly, I’m also encouraging writers…