By Gordon McCraw, Tillamook County Emergency Manager Friday, October 29, 2021, 09:00am Weather As expected, the front that gave Washington a lot of rain, drifted southward thru our area early this morning…
Category: Guest Column
By Gordon McCraw, Tillamook County Emergency Manager Thursday, October 28, 2021, 10:00am Weather Today the atmospheric river continues to be pointed primarily at Washington, but we are also seeing some light, occasionally…
TILLAMOOK COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Gordon’s Update – Weather & COVID-19 update – 10/26/21
By Gordon McCraw Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 09:00am Weather As forecasted, we saw a “wind” event on Sunday vs. a “rain” event, or one of our “rain/wind” events. As far as the…
NEWS UPDATE FROM STATE REPRESENTATIVE DAVID GOMBERG: Housing, Employment, Local Investment, And High-Flying Whales
By Representative David Gomberg, House District 10 Dear Neighbors and Friends, Last week I wrote about the new tsunami-resilient building and vertical-evacuation point at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport. And in response,…
GORDON’S WEATHER CENTER – 10/22/21; Tillamook County Emergency Management – Watches and Warnings for Sunday … Stay Tuned
EDITOR’S NOTE: We are weather-watchers around here. We were raised that way because coastal weather can change in an instant and it impacts most everyone’s livelihoods – from the farmers to the…
Unused Medications? Drug Take Back Day is Oct 23rd at Tillamook County Fairgrounds
by Ariel Slifka, Public Health Program Representative at Tillamook County Community Health Center Do you have old prescriptions or unused medications? Too often these end up in the wrong hands and wrong…
NEWS UPDATE FROM STATE REPRESENTATIVE DAVID GOMBERG: Ocean Science, Ocean Art, Ocean Plastic, and BIG Ocean Waves
By Representative David Gomberg, House District 10 Hello Friends and Neighbors, On Friday, Susan and I attended the first public event at the new Marine Science Building at the Hatfield Center (HMSC) in Newport. I…
By Neal Lemery A rainy Sunday has turned into a time of recharging. The cat is in her usual place, snoozing through the afternoon, replenishing herself for the evening forays and gearing…
— Virginia Carrell Prowell (10/16/21) On a partly cloudy day My mind drifts to the sky Images of countless figures Begin to appear before my eyes. A pack of dogs chasing a…
TILLAMOOK COUNTY HOUSING COMMISION: Chapter 2 – Everything Great Starts with Something Small
By the Tillamook County Housing Commission Outreach Committee What’s the story behind the “Tillamook County for Rent” Facebook group? We went behind-the-scenes to find the person who is shining a spotlight on…