By Neal Lemery “What should I be doing with my life?” a friend asked me the other day. I echoed the cliché about following your passion and left it at that. But…
Category: Words of Wisdom
WORDS OF WISDOM – August: A Time to Chill Out
EDITOR’S NOTE: We have been conducting an unofficial survey of folks the last few weeks about this vary topic, “Doesn’t it seem to be another level of ‘busy’ this year? Is it…
WORDS OF WISDOM: Citizenship and Conversation in a Disjointed Time
By Neal Lemery In this pandemic year, our craving for “normal” pushes back against the new rules of social interaction. What lies ahead of us grows even murkier. Uncertainty is the new…
WORDS OF WISDOM: My Love/Hate Relationship with the Media
By Neal Lemery Everyone seems to be a critic these days, taking their most disliked media outlet to task, heaping scorn and stink-eye, badmouthing them to any and all who will listen….
Words of Wisdom: What’s to Become of the Handshake?
By Neal Lemery Social change can come slowly or astonishingly fast. In the blink of an eye, we now have “personal distancing”, quarantine, and the closing down most of our social interactions….
Library Park Planting Day Celebrated
By Neal Lemery, For the Tillamook County Pioneer Photos by Don Best Some projects just keep forging ahead in our community, despite the pandemic and directives to close down many businesses and…
WORDS OF WISDOM: Quarantined
Regeneration, rejuvenation, restoration— Yet nature unaffected — Late afternoon quiet One car on the highway, far away The one dog barks twice, then joins the status quo Birds cavorting, swirling, scouting for…
Words of Wisdom: A Time for Patience
By Neal Lemery There is a time for everything, and everything has its time. Life is like that. There is a rhythm, a pattern in life, where things that are to be…
Words of Wisdom: Connecting and Creating
By Neal Lemery This time of quarantine, social distancing, staying home is a new order in society. Our social connections can become frayed, even severed. The many events of daily life have…
Hunkering Down
By Neal Lemery The morning drizzle finds me inside, sorting and organizing, rediscovering my writing space. Long neglected filing cabinets and piles of papers are now getting sorted. I have a number…