By Laura Swanson The Facebook post on a new group Tillamook County Homelessness Update page from Amber Hall, started like this: “I sent this email to the Tillamook County commissioners office on…
Category: From the Pioneer
Tillamook County Pioneer Presents: Virtual Tours – Hoffman Center Manzanita March Art Exhibit
Did you know that the Tillamook County Pioneer has a YouTube Channel ? We’ve been growing the content on there for the past few months, thanks to our videographer. We started out…
North to South – Despite Warnings – Invasion of Tourists Ignoring “Stay Home, Stay Healthy”
By Laura Swanson Outrage. Disbelief. Fear for my family and friends in the vulnerable populations with the thousands, yes thousands, of people that are pouring into Tillamook County as I write this….
Tillamook County COVID19 Volunteer Group Established; Volunteers Stand Ready to Help as Community Needs
By Laura Swanson In times of need, communities pull together and take care of their own, and here in Tillamook County that’s exactly what is happening. Grassroot efforts via social media pages…
Weathering the Storm … A Different Kind of Storm; Advice to Talk with Kids & More
By Laura Swanson I’ve been posting, sharing, copying and pasting for nearly 12 hours. I’m exhausted, but I’m also greatly inspired and encouraged by our community. There has been an outpouring of…
Columbia Bank Branch Manager Patty Schlip to Celebrate Retirement, Last Day Feb. 28th
By Julie Chick, for the Tillamook County Pioneer When she opens her eyes that first morning of retirement, she has no doubt she has plenty of good options to keep her occupied….
Choose to Include: Unified Champion Schools — NKN Students First Opportunity to Compete at THS Basketball Tournament, Hope for More Sports through Unified Sports Program
By Julie Chick for the Tillamook County Pioneer Imagine … a lineup of student athletes, some with intellectual disabilities and others without, all using their unique strengths to build team successes ……
FishPeople at Garibaldi Landing Donates 100 Pounds of Fresh Crab to Nehalem Bay House
It’s a bountiful crab season. In fact, FishPeople Seafood Market at Garibaldi Landing has so much crab that they thought the beneficiaries of the Smiley Brothers Salmon Harvest might enjoy a crab…
Whirlwind of a Week: Tornado on Tuesday Jan. 21, Hits Neighborhood North of Manzanita
By Laura Swanson On Tuesday January 21st just before 11 am, several people reported a water spout north of Manzanita, near Neah-Kah-Nie beach, and they observed the water spout come ashore as…
Tragedy at Falcon Cove: Community Vigil at Hoffman Center January 15th
By Carolyn Maizel, for the Pioneer The room was packed, with several news crews on site filming and taking photos. The expression most used for the night (quoted from the Pioneer) was…