To the Editor: We have another election coming up on May 16, and I would like to urge folks to retain Andrea Goss on the Tillamook Bay Community College (TBCC) Education Board….
Category: Letters to the Editor
Vote Marc Johnson for Nehalem Bay Health District Board
Occasionally our community is lucky enough to have a great leader in a critical position ready and able to make innovative and positive change. We have that leader in Marc Johnson. He…
Re-elect TBCC Board Members – Andrea Goss, Mary Jones, Betsy McMahon, Shannon Hoff and Mary Faith Bell
Tillamook County is graced to have Tillamook Bay Community College, ranked 8th in the nation’s community colleges. That ranking is based on the educational and career outcomes of its students. The success…
Re-elect Marc Johnson – It’s just common sense.
Letter of support for Marc Johnson, Nehalem Bay Health District There are some election choices that are clear from the start, and that’s the case with the re-election of Marc Johnson to the board…
Support for YES Vote on Nehalem Bay Health District Bond Measure
Dear Editor, I would like to express my support for a YES vote on the Nehalem Bay Health District bond measure in the upcoming election. As a retired primary care physician, I…
Community Colleges Boards are Dedicated; Re-elect Current TBCC Board Members
In 2010 I had the honor to come to Tillamook Bay Community College (TBCC) and work alongside the community, education partners, the TBCC board, faculty, staff, and students to ensure the college…
Re-elect Marc Johnson to the Nehalem Bay Health District board
To the editor: This May, voters living in the Nehalem Bay Health District (NBHD) have the opportunity to re-elect Marc Johnson to the District’s board, which he currently chairs. I urge voters…
Support for Marc Johnson, Nehalem Bay Health District
To the Editor: The Nehalem Bay Health District is an essential part of our community, and Marc Johnson has served on the Board with skill and leadership for six years. He’s up…
Response to “Crunch Time at the County STR Committee” – March 13
In response to Jerry Keene’s March 13th newsletter titled, “Crunch Time at the County STR Committee…”, we are writing to take this opportunity to introduce our group. Oregon Coast Hosts is a…
Response to Published Article – Crunch Time for County STR Committee
Editor, Tillamook County Pioneer I am writing in response to an article by Jerry Keene originally published in The Oceansider and titled “Crunch Time at the County STR Committee; Meeting Tomorrow March 14th”. The…