From David McCall, Tillamook County Solid Waste Manager: After 29 years in the solid waste industry, I will be making a significant change in my career. In early July, I will be…
Category: Letters to the Editor
COMMENTARY – A Triumph of Conviction: “5 Angry Councilors” Showcases a Heroine Mayor
By Will Stone Note: This critique is a work of fiction. The play and its characters are fictional. Any resemblance to real individuals is unintended and purely coincidental. “5 Angry Councilors” is…
Thank You for Your Participation in Our Democracy
We wish to extend our deepest appreciation and gratitude to all who actively participated in the recent election, whether by putting themselves on the ballot, campaigning for a candidate, or exercising their…
Dear Senator Weber: Be the one Senator to restore the quorum
Dear Senator Weber: The House has “hundreds” of bills waiting for Senate consideration. Four bills of particular importance to District 16 are: 1. Infrastructure funding to repair our deteriorating docks that provide…
LETTER TO EDITOR: Tillamook County Citizens Call for State Senator to Get Back to Work …
Oregonians do not want legislators to play hooky. That’s why we set basic rules for attendance along with consequences for those who don’t abide. Yet despite that mandate, some still pretend the…
We Need to Support Our Democracy
Dear Editor: America claims to be a bastion of democracy, but do we really support it? The right to vote is a bedrock of democracy, yet a little more than one third…
Getting Back to Work …
Hello! How have you been? I’ve been busy at work as a Nurse and spending some much needed quality time with my family. I recently began a new position working with Veterans…
I Need a Ride, Not another App
EDITOR’S NOTE: I have to admit I was happy to receive this letter from a 27-year-old that was voting … Yeah! Take note, everyone, please get those ballots filled out and dropped…
Re-elect Current TBCC Board Members
I am running for reelection to the Tillamook Bay Community College Board, with Mary Jones, Bet McMahon, Shannon Hoff, and Andrea Goss. I have served on the board for 10 years. We…
RESPONSE: Wait, I’m Not An 80-Year-Old EVCNB Volunteer!
By Brad Hart As I’m sure many of you have seen on social media and the City Council Meeting on 5/3, a lot of emails were released from a request to the…