Dear Editor, I would like to express my support for a YES vote on the Nehalem Bay Health District bond measure in the upcoming election. As a retired primary care physician, I…
Category: Op-Ed
Have Hope
By Kim Rosenberg I don’t usually write much about my personal life, but I went to a meeting the other day, and somebody I know asked about my health. They know I…
Community Colleges Boards are Dedicated; Re-elect Current TBCC Board Members
In 2010 I had the honor to come to Tillamook Bay Community College (TBCC) and work alongside the community, education partners, the TBCC board, faculty, staff, and students to ensure the college…
OP/ED: STRs…Can we really work together?
By Karen Babbitt I’m the STR Committee rep from North County and a full time resident. I’ve lived in the area for 21 years. I’m not opposed to vacation rentals, as we…
No April Fool’s Joke – Alderbrook Re-Opens for Golf April 1st – VIDEO
Story, Video & Photos by Don Backman “At 8:20 we’ll have the ceremonial swing,” Pat Zweifel said. “I would do it, but I haven’t actually swung a golf club before,” he joked…
Re-elect Marc Johnson to the Nehalem Bay Health District board
To the editor: This May, voters living in the Nehalem Bay Health District (NBHD) have the opportunity to re-elect Marc Johnson to the District’s board, which he currently chairs. I urge voters…
Clatsop County residents fight for public’s right to vote as vacation rental industry seeks to block local election; Petitioners of Measure 4-221 filed a motion to intervene today on a case brought against Clatsop County
Astoria, Ore.—Petitioners on a Clatsop County ballot measure to protect homes in rural neighborhoods from being converted to vacation rentals today filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit brought against the…
Short Term Rental Industry Blatantly Breaking Oregon Campaign Finance Laws; Opponents of a citizen initiative to preserve residential housing stock in Clatsop County ignored multiple campaign finance rules
EDITOR’S NOTE: There is an initiative on Clatsop County’s ballot – Measure 4-221 – to phase out short-term rentals in unincorporated Clatsop County. For more about the Measure, see links below. Astoria,…
Support for Marc Johnson, Nehalem Bay Health District
To the Editor: The Nehalem Bay Health District is an essential part of our community, and Marc Johnson has served on the Board with skill and leadership for six years. He’s up…
PAGE 6: Tech Storm Nightmare
By Robin Swain What is a Tech Storm, you ask? Well, that would be when Mother Nature and the Universe collaborate to mess with our gadgets of connection for the mere pleasure…