By Kay Stoltz Today’s the day. Just do it! Weed the garden and the parking spot. After working for some time, I still face the undone parking spot. I am at the…
Category: Op-Ed
Staying safe this Labor Day weekend; OHA Weekly Testing Report
With Labor Day weekend coming up, we want to remind Oregonians that the safest way to celebrate is to avoid groups and gatherings, to stay home as much as possible, and to…
Tierra Del Mar Volunteers Organize “Beach Watch” Campaign
By Edmund Ruttledge Volunteers in Tierra Del Mar have started a “beach watch” campaign to document illegal overnight camping on the beach, reckless driving and vehicles entering an area where no vehicles…
By Neal Lemery “What should I be doing with my life?” a friend asked me the other day. I echoed the cliché about following your passion and left it at that. But…
Our Future Depends on the Best Representatives — For House District 32 that’s Debbie Booth-Schmidt
We are in the grips of one of the worst economic collapses this country has experienced, a crisis of a magnitude many of us have not experienced in our lifetimes. How will…
Eradicate Socialism – the Republican Plan
A clear 2020 election strategy of the Republican Party is the promise to rid America of all forms of socialism. It claims that socialism leads to communism, and hence must be rooted…
Transient Lodging Tax (TLT) Revenues Should Support Public Safety Services
By Bill Baertlein, Chair, Tillamook County Board of Commissioners Tillamook County has a population of approximately 26,000, which our first responders can barely provide services for. Tourism has increased year after year…
Beaches, Rivers Bombarded by Barroom Behavior Blamed on COVID Closures; Local Officials, State Organizations Team Up with Quick Response, Some Solutions to Address Immediate Concerns, Planning for Long-term
By Laura Swanson According to Tillamook County Board of Commissioners, “Our email boxes are overflowing with photos, statements and stories about trash, parking, illegal camping, human waste, and more.” We are having…
Talking Trash – A Letter to Visitors
Dear visitors, I am the coordinator at the Manzanita Visitors Center. I love my job for many reasons, chief of which is that I get to interact with travelers from everywhere around…
VIEW FROM HERE: Who will lead us through?
By Karen Olson Remember when the jigsaw puzzles were sold out? I miss the good old days of the COVID-19 pandemic, back in optimistic April, when we were just locking down and…