Did you know that the Tillamook County Pioneer has a YouTube Channel ? We’ve been growing the content on there for the past few months, thanks to our videographer. We started out…
Category: Op-Ed
North to South – Despite Warnings – Invasion of Tourists Ignoring “Stay Home, Stay Healthy”
By Laura Swanson Outrage. Disbelief. Fear for my family and friends in the vulnerable populations with the thousands, yes thousands, of people that are pouring into Tillamook County as I write this….
Stay home, save lives, work together … They are here; Endangering Lives – Tourists Invade Coastal Locations Against Advice
EDITOR’S NOTE: As I’m posting this update, I’m seeing images of bumper-to-bumper traffic heading west on both Highway 6 and 26. The feature photo was taken by Larry Wiedenhoft shows the solid…
Tillamook County COVID19 Volunteer Group Established; Volunteers Stand Ready to Help as Community Needs
By Laura Swanson In times of need, communities pull together and take care of their own, and here in Tillamook County that’s exactly what is happening. Grassroot efforts via social media pages…
The Littoral Life: Don’t forget the little guy
By Dan Haag On a Monday afternoon in the Warrenton Costco, I made the fateful decision to wander into the aisle that houses the toilet paper. I didn’t really need any, quite…
Emergency Preparedness Involves More Than Toilet Paper
An Editorial by Gordon McCraw Being somewhat of an expert in emergency preparedness and evacuation after so many hurricane threats while living in Louisiana, I am quite confused on this toilet paper…
March 13, 2020 The President has declared a National Emergency as the nation gears up to fight the coronavirus pandemic. This will impact our community both economically and medically. Let’s be proactive…
Weathering the Storm … A Different Kind of Storm; Advice to Talk with Kids & More
By Laura Swanson I’ve been posting, sharing, copying and pasting for nearly 12 hours. I’m exhausted, but I’m also greatly inspired and encouraged by our community. There has been an outpouring of…
OP/ED: Be a part of the solution
EDITOR’S NOTE: Amidst all the cancellations of events, there are voices of wisdom, truth and clarity that I often turn to, and my dear friend DeAnna Pearl is one of those voices….
International Women’s Day: Blessings from the Heart to each and every woman in my Circle and beyond💕
Here’s to Strong Women – May We Be Them; May We Know Them; May We Raise Them! As a women-owned business, the Tillamook County Pioneer is proud to give a shout-out to…