Fellow Residents of Tillamook County: I am excited to announce my candidacy for County Commissioner #1 and eager to embark on this journey alongside each and every one of you. Thank you…
Category: Feature
Celebrating the Life of Lee Blackmon – February 19, 2024
EDITOR’S NOTE: Here are the words from Lee Blackmon’s Celebration/Birthday Community gathering Feb. 19, 2024. We’ve included the life story presented by Carolyn Greenwood and the homily presented by Celeste Deveney at…
WORDS OF WISDOM: Self Care, Community Care
By Neal Lemery “It’s not about who you impress, it is who you impact.” –Facebook post I shared today. Today, part of our community is joining together to celebrate the life and…
Community for EVERYONE – What is Sammy’s Place? COAAST Network – Communities of All Abilities Succeeding Together
Imagine, with an open heart, if you primarily had to rely on someone else so you could access your community, recreation, music, art workshop, or employment… There are 850 people that receive…
“Hi, you remember us? The identical triplets, Tut, Neferkitti, and Sheba. This is our momma. Isn’t she pretty? She’s very sweet and loving, but she’s a little shy. She has a heightened…
TILLAMOOK COUNTY WELLNESS: My Journey with Progress over Perfection Mindset
By Emery Edwards I’m a perfectionist. I always have been, and I probably always will be in some capacity. So, my health improvement journey has been a struggle. Somewhere in the 21…
THE OCEANSIDER: Chief Architect Scheduled to Brief Oceansiders on Plans for New Hotel to Replace Oceanside Cabins
By Jerry Keene, Editor, The Oceansider Oceansiders will soon have their long-awaited opportunity to preview and weigh in on Fusion Lodging’s plans for a new hotel to replace Oceanside Cabins. Steve Ewoldt of the…
Tillamook Police Department Invites Community for Coffee with a Cop Feb. 21st
The Tillamook Police Department is pleased to invite the community to join them for “Coffee with a Cop” at Starbucks next to Denny’s, located at 2230 N. Main Ave., Tillamook. This event…
OP/ED: U.S. – No Compassion for Palestinians
By Charles McLaughlin A short time ago the Tillamook County Pioneer published an article I wrote entitled “Where I Stand.” (*See link below.) In that article I expressed disgust and affront that…
Free Fishing Weekend in Oregon, Feb. 17-18
SALEM, Ore.—Make fishing part of your President’s Day weekend plans with friends and family. Everyone can fish, clam and crab for free in Oregon on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 17-18, 2024. No fishing/shellfish licenses or…