By NKN Superintendent Paul Erlebach I thought it appropriate to reflect on the good fortune and future for Neah-Kah-Nie educators and students. The Student Success Act passed into law last summer and…
Category: Feature
Holiday Farmers Market at White Clover Grange Dec. 7th, 10 am to 3 pm
Holiday Farmers Market 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, Saturday December 7 at the White Clover Grange, located at 36585 Highway 53, Nehalem, OR The Manzanita Farmers Market moves indoors for a 1-time…
Holiday Happenings: Tree Lightings – Garibaldi & Rockaway Beach 2019
Photos by Don Best The weather last weekend was chilly for the annual tree lightings in Garibaldi and Rockaway Beach. Three-layers and a few hot chocolates powered up our favorite photographer to…
TILLAMOOK COUNTY WELLNESS: Annual Exams – Have You Had Yours?
By Tonya Brown, SRCH Colorectal Cancer Screening Coordinator and Care Oregon Panel Coordinator Do you only go to the doctor’s office when you are sick or injured? When was the last time…
Learn Online to Safely Preserve Foods with Preserve @ Home
Interested in safely preserving food for you and your family but don’t have time for traditional classes? Gift yourself or a loved one with an online, hybrid course, Preserve @ Home. Oregon…
Apply by Jan. 31 to serve on new Tillamook Bay Clam Advisory Committee: Find out more at Dec. 16 public meeting in Tillamook
ODFW seeks applicants for membership on the Tillamook Bay Clam Advisory Committee. The Committee will provide recommendations to ODFW on balancing commercial and noncommercial take of bay clams, physical boundaries for commercial…
My Favorite Books of 2019
EDITOR’S NOTE: Books – so many books, so little time to read – always a dilemma, and I find myself relying on the advice of other readers. Neal Lemery’s wide-ranging reading provides…
Lasagna-thon Dinner & Art Opening December 7th at the Bay City Arts Center
If you love art, community, and great Italian food, the Bay City Arts Center’s Sixth Annual Lasagna-thon fundraiser is the place to be the evening of December 7th. The Arts Center is…
NKN Middle School Sends Two Teams to Represent at LEGO League Robotics Tournament
By Carolyn Maizel for the Pioneer Neah-Kah-Nie Middle School on Wednesday, November 13th, held a robotics competition to see which two of the eight teams would move on to the FIRST LEGO…
FREE Admission to Air Museum with Canned Food Donation: Join Friends of Tillamook Air Museum, Santa and the Grinch for Special Tours & More Sat. Dec. 7th
Have you stopped by the Tillamook Air Museum recently? Or have you just wondered about that large building off Hwy 101 south of Tillamook with “AIR MUSEUM” written prominently on its side?…