The Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue team is holding its annual fundraising dinner and auction on November 30th from 6pm to 9pm, at the Tillamook County Fairgrounds. This year’s theme…
Category: Feature
ASTROLOGY: New Moon In Scorpio Oct 27, 2019
By Madame Dana Zia “Someone I loved gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too was a gift.” Mary Oliver Today (10/27/19) is the…
‘Don’t Box Me In’ with Keith Jones – Free Coffee & Community Forum Nov. 7th
‘Don’t Box Me In’ with Keith Jones join us for a free Coffee & Community Forum for all community members, professionals and organizations from 10AM – Noon, Thursday, November 7th at the…
KITCHEN MAVEN: A Synonym for Chef is Cook; Red Apple Golden Cheddar Challah Bread Recipe
By Judith Yamada, The Kitchen Maven To most people, a cook and a chef are the same. A synonym for “chef” is “cook” and vice versa. The titles are used to indicate…
Sea Star Talk kicks off Friends of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve winter events
By Dan Haag Attendees of the season’s first Nature Matters talk at Fort George Brewery in Astoria on Thursday, October 10th were treated to a fascinating overview of the impact of sea…
Option for Manzanita City Hall
By Randy Kugler Some in the community have suggested that the “No Bond” folks have no viable financing plan or that securing a loan for a project would be just as expensive…
A BUILDERS OPINION on Manzanita City Hall Project
By Vince Venezia I would like to throw in my two cents worth about the proposed City Hall and respond to a letter posted on BBQ. But I’m not going to put…
TILLAMOOK COUNTY WELLNESS: Taking Charge of Our Health
In our most recent column, we shared that 11.3% of Tillamook County residents have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and an estimated 30% more of our local population may have prediabetes…
Support for Manzanita Ballot Measure
Dear Friends and Neighbors, I’m writing this letter in support of the upcoming ballot measure. This is an appeal to vote yes on the ballot issue that will allow Manzanita to move…
Veterans Stand Down Nov. 1st at Tillamook County Fairgrounds Provides Services, Support & More
ATTENTION: Veterans, Friends, Family of Veterans Do you know someone in our community that is a veteran? Many times veterans are those that are homeless or housing challenged. Please encourage veterans to…