By Karen Walz As a lifetime girl scout, I wanted to highlight and celebrate these dedicated young women in Tillamook County, who work to make the world a better place and enhance…
Category: Feature
Annual Plant Sale at Alder Creek Farm Sat. April 27th
Lower Nehalem Community Trust’s ever popular annual plant sale is coming – THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 27th from 9 am to 1 pm. Always the last Saturday of April, this has become a…
Chamber’s Young Professionals of Tillamook Bring Community Organizations Together April 30th to “Match” Volunteers with Opportunities
By Laura Swanson Join the Young Professionals of Tillamook for a fun evening of “Community Service Speed Dating” on April 30th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Alderbrook Grange. YPT is…
Celebrate Cinco De Mayo and support the Tillamook Farmers Market
The Tillamook Farmers Market opens June 15th, but we are starting the party a little early this year with a Cinco De Mayo Celebration at Pacific Restaurant, May 5th from 4 to…
Congratulations to the New OSU Master Gardeners – Class of 2019
Twenty-Two members of the 2019 Oregon State University Tillamook Master Gardener Class completed their basic training course work in gardening and plant problem solving on Thursday, April 4 and were awarded Certificates…
One Person Making A Difference
By Neal Lemery The daily news can be overwhelming, and often paralyzes me into a state of inaction, frustration, and disappointment on how I fit in. I wonder if my life really…
Rockaway Beach Planning Commissioner Speaks Out …
EDITOR’s NOTE: Thanks to Brian Halvorsen, Rockaway Beach Planning Commissioner for this insightful letter, that he will read at this evening’s Planning Commission meeting. As I’ve been receiving multiple requests from Rockaway…
ONE NIGHT ONLY, A night of incredible local talent returns to Nehalem on Saturday, April 27th, at 7pm with talent from across the county. The fourth local talent production features song, music,…
Pacific City Pathway Work Party Friday April 26th
Tillamook Off-Road Trail Alliance is proud to announce the completion of The Pacific City Pathway! We would like to invite you to help finalize and buff out this gorgeous new hiking trail….
Washed Ashore Presents “Art to Save the Sea” Presentations in Bay City May 6th, Seaside May 7th
Artists and community organizers gather to reclaim the future and ignite powerful social change in consumer and visitor behavior. Everyone who has seen Washed Ashore’s stunning pieces of public art made from…