By Joe Stark On the Sunday morning after the Trump shooting, I was sitting in my Buddha chair having a smoke. I noticed a man on a bicycle riding down the road…
Category: Politics
Laity Withdraws from House District 32 State Representative Race; Democratic Nominating Convention to be held July 18th, $10,000 in Initial Funding Announced
Logan Laity withdraws his candidacy from the state legislative race to represent the North Coast due to a work relocation. The Democratic Party of Oregon will host a convention in the district…
BRAVER ANGELS OREGON – Join Fellow Oregonians for Important Online Debate June 12th: THE RURAL/URBAN DIVIDE
Join Your Fellow Oregonians for this Important Online Debate RESOLVED: THE OREGON RURAL/URBAN DIVIDE IS INSURMOUNTABLE. “Given differences in rural and urban Oregonians’ relationships to the land, and their lifestyles, values, and…
OP/ED- Erin Skaar’s Salary Revealed: Lovelin Campaign Sheds Light on True Cost to Taxpayers
*EDITOR’S NOTE: As Tam Hulburt detailed in her letter to the editor (see link below), and as indicated below, the commissioners’ salary is approximately $90,000, and the commissioners’ compensation package is $126,000…
PRIMARY ELECTION – MAY 2024 – Tillamook County Pioneer’s QUESTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES: Tillamook County Board of Commissioners Position #2 – Paul Fournier & Darcy Jones
It’s an election year – and the primary election is coming up May 21st. There are several important positions on the primary ballot, including two Tillamook County Board of Commissioners. We’ll hear…
AAUW CANDIDATE FORUM SUNDAY APRIL 21st at TBCC, Zoom; Link to Pacific City Candidate Forum
Here’s an opportunity to hear from all the candidates running for positions in the upcoming May Primary election. We have also included a link to the Pacific City Chamber’s Candidate Forum held…
OP/ED: Ice Cream or Peace
By Chuck McLaughlin Complicity in genocide is now the modus operandi of the Biden Administration, both houses of Congress and at least three of the announced candidates for the presidency: Biden, Trump…
EDITOR’S NOTE: The leprechauns were at work yesterday with some of our computer code, so Part 1 of Mike’s column did not get posted. We re-posted, so it will be included, and…
Bruce Lovelin Announces Candidacy for Tillamook County Commission Position 1
EDITOR’S NOTE: Lovelin had originally declared candidacy for Position #2. Before the deadline, Lovelin switched his candidacy to Position #1. In addition, Thomas J. Fiorelli withdrew from the Tillamook County Commissioners race….
Tillamook County Commissioner Candidate Paul Fournier receives endorsements from Oregon Representative Cyrus Javadi and former Commissioner Mark Labhart
Paul Fournier has announced two of his most recent endorsements for his candidacy for Tillamook County Commissioner, Position 2. According to the Vote for Paul 2024 Committee, former three-term Tillamook County Commissioner,…