Tillamook AAUW is hosting this virtual forum on Zoom. See below for links. This candidate forum includes: State Representative District #10: Representative David Gomberg (D) and Max Sherman(R) State Representative District #…
Category: Politics
By Debbie Boothe-Schmidt, candidate for State Representative House District 32 The North Coast has been my home for almost 30 years. I’ve raised my kids here, run a small business in Astoria…
Tillamook County deserves a sheriff that is honest and knowledgeable — Deputy Brown is neither.
To the Editor: Deputy Brown advertises himself as an honest and knowledgeable officer. However, this is not my experience with him. As a defense attorney in Tillamook County my office has had…
Tillamook Chapter of AAUW Hosts Candidates Forum Oct. 14th
The Tillamook Chapter of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), in partnership with KMUN, Tillamook Headlight Herald, Tillamook Bay Community College, and the Pacific City-Nestucca Valley Chamber of Commerce, is hosting…
Tillamook County Pioneer & Tillamook County Democrats Present – Candidates Forum – Tillamook County Sheriff Candidates
There are many important positions being decided in the 2020 election here in Tillamook County, and one of those is Tillamook County Sheriff. The Tillamook County Democrats and the Tillamook County Pioneer…
Recent Political Mailer – Don’t Believe It; Debbie Boothe-Schmidt Best Choice for Representative for District 32
A consultant-created large mailer from the Republican candidate for Oregon Representative for District 32 just arrived. It reminds me of recent County level campaigns where undefined “rural values” are represented as the…
Jobs and a Healthy Environment are not Mutually Exclusive – Elect New Leaders, Debbie Boothe-Schmidt for House District 32
We all want our families to be able to have reliable, good-paying jobs now and in the future. But the corporate interests behind Timber Unity PAC, along with Koch Industries and other…
Endorsements for David Gomberg, House District #10 and Suzanne Weber, House District #32
After careful thought I am endorsing David Gomberg for House District #10 and Suzanne Weber for House District #32. I have worked extensively with both over the last 7 years. Both candidates…
Send someone to Salem who will work for us: Melissa Cribbins for State Senate, District 5
In June of 2019, the Republicans in our state legislature didn’t show up for work because they didn’t want to vote on a cap-and-trade bill; HB 2020. They didn’t want to do…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The Money of Politics
As our community continues to suffer under the restrictions imposed to slow the spread of COVID-19, and we hear of students deprived the opportunity to learn because their families cannot afford adequate…