NEWPORT, Ore. – ODFW will discuss the commercial nearshore black and blue rockfish fisheries during a virtual public meeting Wednesday, September 9. The meeting runs 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Geared primarily…
Category: Oregon Dept. Fish & Wildlife
Razor Clamming Open from Tillamook Head to California Border; Clatsop Beaches Remain Closed
The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) announce the opening of the south coast beaches for recreational razor clamming. Recent razor clam results indicate…
ODFW Hosting Virtual Meetings for Public Input on Bottomfish/ Halibut Season
NEWPORT, Ore – ODFW is hosting virtual meetings July 28 and 29 to gather public input on the 2021 sport bottomfish and halibut season and the 2021 directed commercial halibut fishery. At…
Oregon State Police Fish and Wildlife Troopers Ask for Public Assistance in Buck Deer Poaching Case
SALEM, Ore.– Deer and elk carcasses left to waste where they were shot mark a poaching hot spot in Columbia County. Law enforcement requests the public’s assistance for information to solve the…
Columbia River summer salmon, steelhead fishing on through end of July
CLACKAMAS, Ore.—Fishery managers in Washington and Oregon set additional salmon and steelhead fishing days this month during their joint meeting July 15th, thanks to the continued strong upper Columbia summer Chinook and…
Vandalism leads to reduced services at Lorens Drift access site on Trask River
TILLAMOOK, Ore.—Ongoing trespassing and vandalism problems at the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife-managed Lorens Drift public access site on the Trask River culminated in the destruction of a portable toilet at…
ODFW announces Columbia River recreational Pacific halibut openings
SALEM, Ore – ODFW today announced opening dates for the Columbia River all-depth and nearshore recreational Pacific halibut fishery openings. The subarea runs from Leadbetter Point, WA to Cape Falcon, OR. All-depth…
Razor clamming closed on Clatsop beaches July 15-Sept. 30
ASTORIA, Ore. – The annual summer conservation closure for razor clams begins Wednesday, July 15 and runs through Sept. 30 on Clatsop beaches (from Tillamook Head in Seaside to the mouth of…
More summer Chinook fishing on the Columbia River July 9-15; Shad fishing closed July 9-15 in Bonneville Pool to reduce risk of sockeye handle
CLACKAMAS, Ore.—Fishery managers in Washington and Oregon set additional Chinook salmon fishing days during their joint meeting today thanks to an upper Columbia summer Chinook run that is exceeding original forecasts. Recreational…
ODFW announces two openings added to Central Coast spring all-depth halibut
NEWPORT, Ore. – Two additional openings have been added to Oregon’s Central Coast Subarea, increasing anglers’ opportunity to harvest the quota for the spring all-depth halibut fishery. July 16-18 and July 30-August…