SALEM, Ore – Razor clamming reopens today from Yachats to the Washington border and commercial oyster harvest reopens in Netarts and Tillamook bays, the Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Department…
Category: Oregon Dept. Fish & Wildlife
OREGON DEPT. OF FISH & WILDLIFE: It’s calf and fawn season – keep your distance from elk and deer
SALEM, Ore. – Oregon’s deer and elk give birth from May through July. It’s natural for mother animals to leave their young alone and hidden for extended periods of time while they…
Unified Command concludes response to tar balls and oiled wildlife along Oregon Coast and southern Washington Coast; Cleanup complete, No re-oiling, Investigation into cause continues
(ASTORIA, OR – June 7, 2024) — The Unified Command is concluding its operation to address the presence of tar balls on the Oregon and southern Washington coasts. As we wrap up, we…
Research Team Completes Necropsy of Humpback Whale that Washed Ashore Near Nehalem Bay State Park; Cause of Death Likely Vessel Strike
A team of researchers completed a necropsy Thursday May 30th on a juvenile humpback whale that stranded at Nehalem Bay State Park earlier in the week (see video and links to stories below.)…
OREGON DEPT. OF FISH & WILDLIFE – ANOTHER REMINDER: Shellfish Alert for Free Fishing Weekend
If you’re planning on clamming or taking friends and family out during Free Fishing Weekend June 1-2 and in the coming weeks, please be aware of new shellfish closures on the Oregon…
OREGON DEPT. OF FISH & WILDLIFE RECREATIONAL SHELLFISH ALERT: Marine biotoxin closures affect entire Oregon coast
SALEM, Ore. – New shellfish closures are affecting the entire Oregon coast, the Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced today. This comes after the Oregon Health Authority…
OREGON DEPT. OF FISH & WILDLIFE CRITICAL SHELLFISH ALERT: Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Investigation Needs Responses to a Survey
Health officials in Oregon are investigating an outbreak of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) among people who recently ate mussels that were recreationally harvested from coastal areas in Lincoln, Tillamook, and Clatsop Counties….
OREGON DEPT. OF FISH & WILDLIFE: Recreational spring Chinook to be open June 1-15 below Bonneville Dam
(CLACKAMAS, Ore. – May 29, 2024) —Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington added 11 additional fishing days (June 1-11) for recreational spring Chinook downstream of Bonneville Dam during a joint state hearing today….
OREGON DEPT. OF FISH & WILDLIFE CRITICAL SHELLFISH ANNOUNCEMENT: Shellfish poisoning confirmed in mussels recreationally harvested in Tillamook and Clatsop counties
The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) advises you to throw out any mussels recreationally harvested since Saturday May 25 from the Washington border to Seal Rock State Park (the current mussel harvesting closure area) and…
Fish, clam and crab for free during Free Fishing Weekend June 1-2; Fishing Events at Hebo Lake, Trask Hatchery in Tillamook
Free fishing events in Clatskanie, Estacada, Eugene, Gaston, Hebo, Junction City, Lakeside, Portland, Tillamook, Toledo, Florence, and Ukiah SALEM, Ore.— Everyone can fish, clam and crab for free in Oregon on Saturday and Sunday of the first weekend of June….