On February 17, North Coast Progressives member and Independent Party of Oregon candidate for Oregon House District 32 will be holding his first public campaign event. It will take place from 1 to 4…
Category: Government
Tillamook High School Charity Drive Kicks Off Its 65th Year
Tillamook High School Charity Drive 2018 Court Top left: Freshman Princess: Gabriela Palominos. Sophmore Princess: Maleah Upton. Junior Princess: Mackenzie Guarcell. Senior Princess: Mercy Aziere Allen. Bottom left: Freshman Prince: Colton Harmon….
Highway 101/6 Project Update – Great News! No flagging tomorrow
by Sierra Lauder, Director of Events and Downtown Development, Tillamook Area Chamber of Commerce It’s not often you hear that phrase – great news – when addressing road construction and intermittent road…
Highway 101/6 Project Update – 2/8/18: Girder-pocalypse Phase 2 – Monday 2/12 and Tuesday 2/13
By Sierra Lauder, Director of Events and Downtown Development, Tillamook Area Chamber of Commerce Last week we had incredible support spreading the message about the setting of the girders on Tuesday, Feb….
NW Connector Regional Transit System Reaches a Milestone
Tillamook, OR—The NW Connector, a partnership of transit districts in Benton, Clatsop, Columbia, Lincoln and Tillamook counties, surpassed 1.1 million bus miles in 2017, carrying over 188,000 passengers. According to Doug Pilant,…
Letter to Editor: Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad seeks collaboration, transparency
The Oregon Coast is one of the most iconic places on earth. Those who live here know and appreciate this truth, whether recently settled here or born and raised in Tillamook County,…
4th Generation Tillamook Native Adam Schwend Announces Candidacy for County Commissioner
Real estate broker Adam Schwend has announced his candidacy for County Commissioner Position 3. Schwend is a fourth-generation Tillamook County resident, and purposefully returned to Tillamook after college to raise his family….
Congressman Kurt Schrader Schedules Tillamook County Town Hall Sat. Feb. 10th at Rockaway Beach Civic Center
Congressman Kurt Schrader has rescheduled his Tillamook County Town Hall, and will be in Rockaway Beach on Saturday February 10 at 2 pm. These meetings are a chance for constituents to talk…
Working Together for Rails AND Trails
By Jack Mulder, Port of Tillamook Bay Commissioner Would you like to ride your bike on a trail from Banks to Tillamook? Or explore the remote Salmonberry Canyon? How about a stroll…
Tillamook High School Charity Drive 2018 Schedule – Kickoff Assembly Tuesday Feb. 6th
It’s that time of year again – when Tillamookians don’t have to cook many (if any meals) and there are all kinds of other goodies, events and more about town … IT’S…