by Sierra Lauder, Director of Events and Downtown Development Tillamook Area Chamber of Commerce The summer construction season is wrapping up quickly, and we will be seeing some big changes on the…
Category: Government
Oregon Dept. of Forestry Announces Gate Closures for Hunting Seasons
The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) will resume road restrictions this fall in the western part of the Tillamook State Forest to improve deer and elk escapement during hunting season. Some roads…
Section of Nehalem River to be considered for State Scenic Waterway Program – Meeting to be held Sept. 12
The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department is asking for feedback on an important study evaluating a 17-mile section of the Nehalem River for possible inclusion in the State Scenic Waterways Program. The…
Tillamook County Democrats Special Meeting, Pie Party Thursday Aug. 24
Tillamook County Democrats will hold a special meeting this Thursday, in lieu of their regular monthly. The meeting will begin at 6:00 pm at Tillamook Bay Community College, Main Campus, 4301 Third Street,…
Senator Ron Wyden Town Hall in Manzanita August 25
Senator Ron Wyden will be at Pine Grove Community House in Manzanita on Friday August 25 at 2 pm. When elected to the U.S. Senate, Senator Ron Wyden pledged to hold at…
Fire Update – Sunday, August 20, 2017 – Explosive growth on Chetco Bar Fire leads to conflagration declaration
Several existing fires in Oregon grew yesterday, with the greatest growth on the Chetco Bar Fire in Curry County in southwest Oregon. Overnight strong north winds pushed the fire south, increasing it…
Highway 101/6 Project Update – 8/16/17
The rest of August is dedicated to finishing touches on Pacific Ave., focusing on finishing curbs and sidewalks, drainage details, grading, paving, and striping. Expect lane closures on Pacific the next few…
Missing Person Investigation Ongoing – Eric “Rick” Prueitt
The Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating a missing/endangered person complaint filed the evening of August 8th, 2017, involving Eric Daniel Prueitt, age 41, from the Tillamook area. Mr. Prueitt is…
Q&A with Jay Sennewald, Ocean Shores Coordinator, Oregon Parks & Recreation
Here is helpful information from Jay Sennewald, Ocean Shores Coordinator with Oregon Parks & Recreation, answers to questions from the Pioneer’s South County correspondent, April Bailey. Will there be…
“Full Staffing” Positioned to Prevent Wildfires in Tillamook State Forest
(TILLAMOOK, Ore.) – Eddy Wallmark, Tillamook Protection Unit Forester said his wildland firefighers will be at “full staffing” and where they need to be, before, during, and after the Eclipse. Because…