Restricting travel can minimize virus transmission from city centers into rural areas with limited health resources FROM: Danny Jacobs, M.D., M.P.H., FACS, President John Hunter, M.D., FACS, Chief Executive Officer, OHSU Health…
Category: Health Care
Tillamook County COVID19 Volunteer Group Established; Volunteers Stand Ready to Help as Community Needs
By Laura Swanson In times of need, communities pull together and take care of their own, and here in Tillamook County that’s exactly what is happening. Grassroot efforts via social media pages…
Dear Manzanita Homeowners, These are strange times for all of us. With the steady spread of coronavirus to every corner of our society, constant change is the new normal. If you have…
Oregon reports 13 new COVID-19 cases; State prepares Oregon Medical Station
PORTLAND, Ore.— Oregon Health Authority reported 13 new cases of COVID-19, bringing the state total to 88, as of 8:30 a.m. today, March 19. The COVID-19 cases reported today are in the…
Temporary camping closures announced for Oregon state parks, forests, and wildlife areas
SALEM, Ore. – Three Oregon state agencies will suspend camping to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department will accommodate current overnight guests through April 2. Reservations…
Learn the facts. Take action. Be prepared Social Distancing and Sheltering in Place…What are they and Why are they important?
By Victoria Holt Sponsored by: Emergency Volunteer Corps of Nehalem Bay Coronavirus protection: social distancing and sheltering in place The coronavirus pandemic is moving fast, and information has proliferated quickly as well….
IN GOOD HEALTH: It takes a Pandemic …
By Charlie Ross, DO In 1968 an Influenza A pandemic called “Hong Kong flu” killed about 1 million people worldwide (100,000 of those deaths were in the U.S.). In 2009 the “swine…
TILLAMOOK COUNTY: Sheriff’s Office Response to COVID-19; Office Access Closed
Important Information. The Tillamook Sheriff’s Office Lobby has been closed to public access due to the COVID-19 outbreak. If you have an emergency call 9-1-1 If you need to report a non…
Tillamook County Community Health Centers Responds to Coronavirus; To Date, March 18th, All Tests of Tillamook County Residents Negative
TILLAMOOK, Ore. — “The care team at Tillamook County Community Health Centers is dedicated to staying current on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and will continue to actively monitor the situation,” advised…
Oregon reports two more deaths in COVID-19 outbreak; 10 new cases also confirmed statewide, bringing total to 75
PORTLAND, Ore.— COVID-19 has claimed two more lives in Oregon, raising the state’s death toll from this virus to three, the Oregon Health Authority reported at 8:30 a.m. today. The cases are…